My recollection is that I never had this issue until SU5 was released which caused this issue to happen. The code changes in SU5, the release that allowed MSFS to work with XBox,.are what the developers need to focus on.
thats totally fair honestly, you have me beat as I looked at steam, I launched it for the first time on March 3rd, so any problems before that im unaware of unless I read about them or someone like you tells me, that however is very interesting to hear how the issue started way back then. hmmm are you perhaps saying since the code changed on update 5, maybe its due to pc and xbox clashing? meaning they are likely running on the same server side and interfering with one another? or is it that you think somewhere in the code work has now made the system corrupt? just brain storming here aha
I legit just made a comment about this exact thing! so okay thats me and you, 2 people who have now had this issue, maybe just maybe if there is enough of us to bring this up maybe there will be enough outreach to make changes? I noticed when the skies are clear there is no issue, now I have not turned off any traffic settings though next flight I do I will try and see if the issue has been resolved, once again brain storming here but I wonder if flight sim never changed ATC and instead carried it over to 2020 and someone the ATC we use now is the older version unable to keep up with the new hardware/software? AvaiatorCSnet did say they did something with the code in sim update 5, maybe what I said is conflicting but its worth bringing up since everyone is scratching their heads with this one
I am saying that I did not experience losing ATC sound until the release of SU5. I do not know whether the code was changed to make ATC work with Xbox and the code change is still causing this, or if it is simply that having to serve ATC to all the Xbox and PC users overwhelms the sim ATC.
The status for #10 below “Fixed(No Repro)” still drives me nuts. Clearly, this issue is not fixed. The status should be “Planned”, “Under Investigation”, “Started”, “Ongoing”, or even “Not Planned” if the developers do not plan to work on this bug. Using “Fixed” is a slap in the face to all users who since this issue was first reported almost 2 years ago still continue to lose the ATC sound in the current release.
I’ve had this a few times usually right before landing but today I had it right before I took off and then the rest of the flight was dead quiet except for my AI copilot responding to messages that I couldn’t hear. Using FSLTL AI traffic and also just added AI Ground and AI Flow.
It’s more likely that the Azure servers are being prioritized for paying customers, i.e. the global financial markets, international government services etc. and this order will have come from way above Xbox Studios or Asobo Studios. Can we seriously expect Microsoft to sideline paying customers like these to make way for some random dude playing a video game? That’s not a bug, that’s Life. As I said earlier, get the ATC voicepacks onto our own hard drives and off the Azure servers.
Wow that’s a fascinating hypothesis. It’s almost certainly just a bug though. Given the way it behaves, and increases in frequency around traffic it could be some form of race condition, which can be notoriously difficult to debug, especially across distributed systems as here. That doesn’t mean it can’t be debugged and fixed though, just that it’s harder work.
While this may sound like a stupid question but how would one go get a voice pack because if that is the answer then I’m all for it I’m in no way a professional or anything like that I’m just a hobbyist to loves flight simulators since 2002 came out so if anybody could steer me in the right direction of how one would obtain a voice pack and put it on my system they would be much appreciated, though this form is pretty juicy as of right now the latest replies really State some interesting facts like the fact that the service may be prioritizing to paying customers as a matter of fact I didn’t know that the voice service spanned that far I thought it was just for flight simulator and like Microsoft local services like we’ve been using, though on the other hand the bug part of things just like a graphics card or a processor I’m sure there’s a lot of coding and so much that we don’t know that goes into making flight simulator however I still stand by my word when I say that as a video gamer I am getting quite tired of developers pushing out broken products whatever happened to the beta testing except the tables have turned now we are the beta testers… and one can argue yeah it’s cheaper for us to be the beta testers but having a game release day one with a day one patch is unacceptable. I will end it here by saying I do agree on the comment that says it is a slap in the face to all of us because we paid for a product that pretty much is defective take a look around how many of us have voice or frustrations over the freaking bugs that are in the simulator this should have been worked out before release unless you can come up with a really good argument to change my mind that’s why I stand on that I agree or disagree 40th anniversary 40 years to get this stuff correct that’s what’s unacceptable now if it was a brand new franchise and it just launched with 2020 then sure maybe I’ll be a little bit more lenient however we paid for it it’s a slap in our face it’s a defective product and we have to deal with it or not play it which I don’t think any of us has the courage to do
Ahhh but I do have the courage to complain and complain and complain because I paid for an unfinished product which I thought was finished when they released it. Like you said we paid for a product that is under cooked. The problem is the developers look like they WILL NOT be working on this issue anytime soon. So the solution to all of this? A possible third party developer step in and make an offline version of ATC that works or using something like Vatsim, which is something I don’t always want to use or there is no coverage for the area I am flying.
The answer that the devs gave in this video Cannot hear ATC instructions and other aircraft suddenly while AI copilot still responds - #975 by lassombra8785 is so very discouraging and sad that they don’t think that it’s an integral part of the SIM or a very important bug to rectify. This is just one reason why a lot of hard core and long time simmers are looking at this SIM as more of a game than a true SIM, not to mention the planes themselves but that’s another topic for discussion, which is sad because it truly is an awesome platform with a lot of promise. This SIM/Game has been out for almost three years with no fix or improvement to the ATC system. One day, maybe one day soon but don’t hold your breathe, they will put it back in the oven and have a nice fully cooked product.
Thank you. If you know it, please post the timestamp in the video when they gave the answer about Azure and ATC.
Here ya go… Straight from the horses mouth.
The issue comes and goes. I haven’t bothered trying to identify whether it happens in specific circumstances or not but if anyone is taking note of specifics.
The latest was flying in the C172. Logging in with just the departure set, cold and dark. IFR flight set up and ATC contacted for IFR clearance. ATC went silent around the time I was passed off to Centre.
I think it’s appreciated that ATC will have been hard baked into the code and that it gets affected by random program updates. As such it’s probably not unreasonable to suppose that the best outcome will be via a third party addon. As to when that will appear is anyone’s guess.
For me, it doesn’t seem to be traffic dependent. I just took off from a small airport, virtually no traffic around. I lost ‘my’ voice this time. I could hear ATC instructions, but I could not respond verbally. I watched the Asobo video. They are not likely to admit that this is currently a defective product. Either fix the problem, open it up to 3rd party developers. I’d happily pay, or offer everyone a substantial refund.
Edit: Shortly after I lost my own voice, verbal ATC instructions ceased as well. I then turned on my copilot assistant ATC and I could hear only him, responding to silent ATC instructions.
Thank you for posting the clip.
I had the same issue yesterday after flying for 3 hrs i could hear my co pilot but couldnt hear atc around australia and surprisingly i was flying into dirt airstrips,
using vfr flight rules, with ai co pilot controlling the radios

From my experience this issue happens more often with FSLTL than in-game traffic.
That will be news to Xbox users experiencing the same problem
I said more often, not “only with FSLTL”. Read again.
Annnnd it keeps happening. Just did a very short flight in the Flybywire A32X and after 5 min after takeoff… Goodbye ATC. I’m about done with flying airliners or doing long haul flights that require ATC, unless I want to use Vatsim or the like, but like I said before, I don’t always want to use them. Someday we will have a close to perfect SIM but unfortunately I don’t think it will be this one. Sure they keep squashing bugs and some improvements, but for some of the essentials, like ATC, they seem to keep dropping the ball or kicking it down the road. By the time they do get the base part of the SIM fixed or running correctly, it will be to late and people will either get frustrated and move on to other platforms or loose interest in it. That will be a bummer for such a beautiful SIM that has so much promise.