Hey Asobo, I reproduced this today. It’s reproducible and not fixed. I’ll post every time I reproduce it to help you out. Maybe others will do the same. All working toward the same goal riight?
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Loss of Azure voices experienced on dozens of flights. Both ATC and AI copilot (but never both).
The loss of an Azure voice is often, but not always triggered by:
- large volumes of AI traffic (typically in IFR FIR/UIR ATC sector). Use of time acceleration increases the likelihood of an Azure loss.
- Executing a frequency swap in COM2 whilst COM1 is Rx.
On occasions the Azure voices can recover.
The issue first arose after the fix to prevent the same 2 Azure voices being used by the AI copilot and ATC or by two consecutive ATC stations.
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Yes, but when I restart the game the voices come back to normal
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This problem mainly occurs when you have the copilot ATC engaged and it changes frequencies. If at this moment there is an IA plane talking on the new frequency the copilot voice overlaps with the IA voice and the IA voice bugs and stops talking (transcription still appearing on ATC menu).
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I was flying vision jet again. Lost ATC voice again, during cruise when there was not much traffic. This was without using copilot. I turned copilot on after the voice was lost because otherwise I can’t know when ATC contacts me.
When I got to the approach I turned copilot off, detuned COM1 and switched to COM2. After that the ATC voice recovered and I proceeded to fly normally without copilot until the end of the flight.Asobo why is this marked Fixed when it is obviously not fixed? Xbox X
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Works for the first five to ten minutes. Then Stops. Can’t hear ATC or other aircraft voices. Have to restart the sim entirely to get audio back. Can hear the Pilot and / or Co-Pilot voice.
Are you using DX11 or DX12?
DX11. Also tried DX12. Same issue.
Are you using DLSS?
YES. But have tried using other modes too. Same issue.
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Yes. ATC stops audibly talking, can only hear my co-pilot talk.
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The problem appears to be that after changing frequencies and existing traffic is already talking that the system bugs out. I hear either AI traffic or the ATC controller talking and the subtitles don’t match up, after that ATC bugs out and I can only hear my co pilot talking. This problem is in the current stable version and in the AAU2 update.
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ATC goes randomly silent during flight. It has happened several times on different planes (though I’m mostly flying the Airbus A320 neo). Co-pilot still acknowledges the ATC instructions but I cannot hear them, nor other aircraft. The only solution is completely restarting the game.
Tried turning the text-to-speech to offline, the ATC is still silent. All other settings are on default.
Offline or OFF? OFF means no sound, offline requires installed text-to-speech Windows addons for US English. If you don’t have it, Offline option is not even available in SOUND settings.
I switched to ATC offline a few days ago and so far so good. ATC works flawlessly.
Switched to offline, that didn’t work either.
Sometimes I need to switch it to OFF due to other bugs (typically my copilot requesting approach clearance getting stuck, repeating the same thing about 20 times)
Lost my copilot about 1 minute after pushback. Lost ATC about 5 minutes after takeoff. So I’m now wondering, as some has said, is it really that we’re not communicating with the server?
Yes. This bug report relates to the loss of Azure voices, which as the name implies are online streamed voices. This bug will never effect offline ATC voices as these are not streamed. There might be other bugs impacting offline ATC speech…but not this one!
Just why the online functionality drops isn’t of course known. Or we would be well on a way to a solution.
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I flew the Cabri from EGPH. There was low traffic at the time, I did not use copilot. Yet still I lost ATC voice before I even took off. I got a response when I asked for taxi but by the time I was holding short of the runway the ATC was silent.
I finished my flight without ATC at EGPE. I had another leg to fly but I decided to quit to world map and start as a second flight to fix ATC. The ATC voice remained broken even with a new flight. I selected the Restart button as well and this did not fix the ATC voice. Only exiting and restarting MSFS fixed the ATC.
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I flew the vision jet from RJTT to RJCK. ATC was working, then while at cruise there was a frequency change. I acknowledged this but didn’t contact the new frequency (this was accidental). I didn’t realise for at least half an hour, maybe an hour, that this had happened, so there was no ATC traffic at all.
When I got near TOD and realised it was not tuned I contacted the ATC again but it had no voice. It had been working before this happened and there had been no traffic etc.
Whatever is causing this is not just due to traffic because this is happening to me regularly in low traffic situations, even somehow when ATC is not tuned.
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Can someone fix the tags on this bug please? It’s tagged PC but this happens to me frequently on xbox.
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If you look at the original post, this has been around for years and Xbox wasn’t even a thing for the Sim at that point. I don’t think it can be changed.
I just lost ATC as I was pulling away from the gate for departure. I’ve had a marked increase of this happening over the past few days with every flight being affected. According to the latest Bug List on the official Development update on May 11th, this issue has been “Fixed” (no repro). I’m assuming this means we can’t fix it so we’ll ignore it.
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ATC drops out about 20 min after start of flight and only co-pilot can be heard acknowledging the instruction. Been like this for me for a couple of months.
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Lots of people using the Reply Template to report the problem but not voting. The number of votes hardly ever increases. Does not help the situation.