Cannot hear ATC instructions and other aircraft suddenly while AI copilot still responds

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Yes. Approx 99% of all flights.

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Issue used to occur more frequently when in higher traffic areas like New York ARTCC or Socal Departure, however, since SU12 the issue occurs so frequently it’s difficult to gauge if that’s still a contributor or not. It now occurs in all areas.

Issue usually occurs at a handoff of either the user’s A/C or it seems an actual AI A/C. When it occurs, typically you will hear an internal voice be used for an AI A/C or ATC voice, at which point it shuts off. As long as radio voices are heard, for all A/C (up until that exact point) you’re fine. I don’t know if that is an indicator/symptom of the event, or the trigger that causes it. I believe the former, because I’ve also witnessed the ATC sound simply stop with no indicator.

Issue is not isolated to Azure voices as this has also occurred using the offline voices in my own testing.

In a related issue (perhaps), ATC hands off the user’s A/C back to Departure after already handing off to ARTCC when climbing to cruise. This issue disappeared for a while after SU12, but is now back after the last update (randomly - not always). This issue may or may not be related but something being changed behind the scenes certainly affected it (once fixing it and now re-initiating it). I don’t know if this contributes to or is caused by the issue herein being discussed.

Issue is not isolated to FSLTL traffic. Also occurred using live traffic prior to my use of FSLTL (no seeming change in frequency across each of these for me. I began using FSLTL as a means to try and see if it would improve over my use of standard live AI with Aerosoft’s Simple Traffic). I also have edited FSLTL to utilize the minimum amount of traffic and that has had no apparent affect reducing the frequency of the error versus default levels of traffic.

Most often, the user is unable to recover the voices but on rare occasion, it comes back.

Prior to SU12, the user could typically switch to COM2 and utilize that with voices functional for the remainder of a flight. This workaround resolved the issue approx 90% of the time. Post-SU12, this workaround almost never works anymore (when the issue occurs - it is permanent for the current use of the simulator).

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Make sure everyone watches this clip, it will give you insight, not good insight, on what the developers are doing and feel need to get done about this bug. All I can say, like the rest, is go to the top of this page and VOTE VOTE VOTE! Maybe they will hear that this is an important issue and integral part of the Sim/game for a lot of its users!


The long pause followed by a chuckle says it all!

(Well least it did for me: a ‘we knew we would get asked this’ moment…recognition of a hard problem that is probably subject to a lot of live internal debate and discussion!)

Note though that this was a general question about the future of ATC, not a specific ‘will the voices bug be fixed?’, so it got a general, ‘big picture’ answer. I don’t think you can infer too much about the status of this specific bug as a result.

We know that WT have been engaged with long terms plans to overhaul the entire ATC which is linked to upgrades of the NAV database and aircraft avionics. So that is where the top-level focus will be. And there is high level awareness of the importance of ATC, with Jorg specifically referencing ATC issues sitting high on the lists.

The question is, will this bug be addressed in the interim?


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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First happened 5 Days ago now it happens with every flight regardless of the aircraft type I loose verbal communications from ATC. Checked all hardware/software settings which have not changed.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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AI ATC stops working halfway through the flight. It is becoming more and more frequent.

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Xbox series S

Are you using DLSS?


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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For almost A week, every flight losses ATC voices, not using copilot to respond to ATC still the same issue. Can be replicated if listening to ATIS on departure airport prior to startup of engine

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes, I still have the same issue after following the OP’s steps

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Every time when just airborne, and mid-flight as well, all of a sudden all ATC communication sound is lost. Only thing I can hear is the response of the AI-pilot. And even that is lacking some times. This happens also on the first flight of the day. And I sometimes don’t even see the ‘other’ pilots communication which results in an one-to-one conversation.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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Can confirm what @DFWSupertrooper said: the loss of voices isn’t limited to Azure but also offline. In 3 different flights yesterday experienced loss of both ATC and Pilot voices at different times: lost ATC on a high-traffic IFR flight. Lost pilot on a low-traffic VFR. Only resolution was to restart the sim. As others have reported, use of COM2 workaround no longer appears to work. ATIS and AWOS voices uneffected.

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Is there any resolution for this issue yet? Maybe related to the amount of injected AI?

Same issue on my last flight using live online ATC in the sim instead of FSLTL Injector.

I can’t hear anything from ATC, whether it be the built in one or Azure. I thought it might have been the new ATR 42, but I flew in the A320 and nothing there either.

I tried turning ATC sound off/on again, shutting down flight sim and brinding it back, nothing. I can see the text in the ATC menu, but nothing is said. (I am on Xbox)

Did you click to vote at the top of the page?


First weird one tonight. ATC audio came back after losing it! Did something change server side?
Out of EGLL on way to EDDB tonight in the new A320NX, and within first 20 minutes of flight out of EGLL and I lose ATC audio, where only my own pilot was left audible (which happens a lot).
THEN suddenly about 30 minutes out of EDDB, the ATC audio came back. I changed nothing to do this!
Only downside is it came back slightly quieter than usual so had to turn volume up a bit, but what changed here? I have no idea.
This is the first time in 2 years that ATC has come back after going silent. Anyone else?

I’ve often wondered whether these loss of ATC is a server-side issue or an issue with the game itself. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had a sharp increase of these happening, yet my way/type of flying hasn’t changed.

I’ve only once had ATC return when lost in the same flight. I guess the only way for me to find out if the issue is server-side or not is to fly in offline mode from the outset. I’ll try it tomorrow.

Happens to me on every flight. I cannot remember the last flight I’ve had where the ATC actually works correctly the whole time. I’ve had many flights where my copilot also cuts out. Same with other AI aircraft. One way to “fix” it temporarily is to switch to com 2 or 3 if your aircraft has it and use those for the remainder of the flight as others have pointed out in the past. Even then you can still lose the audio again.

Very frustrating. AI Traffic and ATC need a huge overhaul no doubt.


I’m seeing this too. This morning for example ATR LEMD->LEAL. About half way and all ATC audio dropped. It’s very annoying. No audio recovery this time. Majority of flights affected now.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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This happened to me a few days ago and I forgot to report it then, now I can’t remember where I was. However it stuck in my mind because on that occasion it was the opposite to every other time.
On this occasion I lost my voice when speaking to ATC. Meanwhile I could hear ATC just fine. This happened on the ground when I was asking to taxi from parking.

Are you using DX11 or DX12?

Xbox X

Are you using DLSS?

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Happened in every type of planes
Are you using DX11 or DX12?

Are you using DLSS?

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Maybe there arent many users using the inbuilt ATC? Otherwise it is strange they haven’t solved this bug after this long time…