Cannot hear ATC instructions and other aircraft suddenly while AI copilot still responds

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For the first few times it seemed as if the bug happend when you switched frequensies and the ATC had a lot of traffic to deal with, it kinda “gives up” on sound. But today it frooze for a minute when i was getting my IFR clearence at the gate, so basically 30 seconds after loading the game. Then all of a sudden the text continued but both ATC and my pilots voices were gone.

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From what I have read gamers tend to avoid it because they do not understand it and it is a distraction from the serious business of low-level buzzing airliners at international airports with their FA-18 in multi-player, or tree gazing :wink:


Just lost comms again (9th time out of past 10 flights), but this time it’s my voice and those of other AI aircraft. I can still hear ATC. :thinking:


Ive had ATC recover after a loss. Not often though - maybe 2 or 3 times in the last 6 months.


Never before for me. It’s weird that it can recover occasionally though. I mean what is that linked to? something reset occasionally on server side? Why was it quieter and requiring the volume turned up? All other in game sounds still at their usual level?
It’s all we have - symptoms - to go on though.

I thought it was all server side until as was pointed out it affects off line voices too. And if it was really something breaking Azure, why is ATIS unaffected?

I don’t know! All I know is that is a very common and long running problem.


Now all comms have gone.

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Agree. It is also getting worse (more frequent) too, which is more frustrating. & no way to recover short of a compelete sim reboot.


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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On the ground, while asking for the clearance and taxi, the ATC works fine. It is a few minutes after taking off that the ATC goes silent and I can only hear my pilot´s voice. When it happens, the ATC window freezes for a second (white letters on the “answer” section) and it is when click on the ATC 2 window and back ATC 1, the freeze has gone but the volume is completely off. No tower ATC or other traffic for the rest of the flight.

Just to make it clear, online is ON, ATC voices are on on the assistance menu and on the sound tab, Azure is chosen.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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ATC and other A/C voice stopped in mid-flight. Only text communication remains

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Are you using DLSS?


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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Lose ATC voices in busy airspace. Can switch to Com2 but will also lose that if busy airspace. I start flight with the copilot not controlling Coms. Switch to copilot controlling Coms after taxi clearance. After losing Com1 ATC I wait till on approach to switch to Com2 and 75% of the time will lose ATC voices for both Com1 and Com2 if airspace is too busy. I do notice that the last Azure ATC voice will be clearer (not have the signal degradation simulation) and almost always is an interruption over a running ATC instruction. That ends up being my cue that I have lost the Azure ATC voice.

Are you using DX11 or DX12?


Are you using DLSS?

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Same as everyone. Sometimes I lose my own voice, some times ATC voice. Usually happens around 5 minutes after loading as the communication buttons go grey (Not possible to press them). What I do then is switch to COM 2 and be able to transmit and recieve but with my or atc voice missing. There were some cases where it happened more than once in the same flight (after switching to COM2 it stops working after a while so I have to switch to COM1 back again…)


…and 5 minutes after the radio fails, 2 F16 appear to the right and left of the airliner and force you to land.

Would be something.

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Another interesting ATC drop/clue/symptom I see. Are any of you seeing this happen? ATC goes silent (completely for everything, both pilot and co-pilot & AI) and ATC menu goes greyed out. Only way out this is to switch to COM2. Happened a few times for me now.

The next symptoms (after tuning in to COM2 are pilot audio OK and ATC audio lost. Interestingly it does free up the greyed out options in COM1. Still, in game ATC audio is completely lost no matter what.

I’m flying with the ATR here, which sees loads of ATC audio drops (for me) it would seem. I do think there are differences from aircraft to aircraft. The A310 was originally really bad for losing ATC and I’m thinking the ATR has similar traits that put the already flaky ATC audio into the error modes faster. Just an observation/opinion. Seeing waaay to many ATC audio drops now. Just about every flight with the ATR.


Is the some for me, every single flight


ATR? or in general?

The options at the bottom of the ATC window will be greyed out when anyone is trying to speak, be that ATC or a pilot. It may just be that said interaction is causing the options to be greyed out even if it can’t be heard and/or seen. I’m fairly sure that ATIS messages shouldn’t normally cause the greying out of options by the way.

To cut a long story short, it’s fair to say that the ATC system has significant issues and all i can suggest is that fellow sufferers all make sure that they have registered their vote. I know that this thread is tagged as bug-logged and that more votes might not appear to make too much difference, but for me, it would at least let MS/Asobo know the true extent of the community’s growing concern.


Agree. This ATC dropping in one form or another has been around for best 2 years now, and really is immersion breaking most of the time. I have already voted, but am just trying to indicate there are many different symptoms and causes, which I think could be useful in debug. Hopefully they actually do something about this soon as it drives us in game ATC users insane on a regular basis and it isn’t really acceptable that such a widely experienced and bad issue has been around for so long unaddressed.


What an awful idea! If that was implemented we’d have aircraft all over the place being forced to land with the way ATC is in this game. :rofl:


They have. They’ve determined that this bug can’t be reproduced by anyone at Asobo in any, way, shape or form, on the clock as an engineer, off the clock as a casual gamer, from CEO to janitor, nobody at Asobo can supposedly reproduce this, from work, from home, from a cafe, and nobody that knows anyone at Asobo can reproduce it either apparently, therefore it’s marked as fixed.

It’s “unreproducable” and “fixed”. That’s the official status and that’s that. #10.