Cannot hear ATC instructions and other aircraft suddenly while AI copilot still responds

Have they actually said that or are you assuming that they must have done something other than sit at their work desks, or elsewhere, at the end of a high priority connection to the MS servers?

I seem to get this issue kicking in mostly when I’m 20 to 50nm from my destination, and it doesn’t help with my system only having a single monitor, having to have the ATC window taking up a part of my screen when lining up for a landing!

Surely not! :scream: :man_facepalming:

seems like they don’t know either or maybe too much work to fix. So it’s easier to blame the user’s systems. lol

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I don’t think we know. My guess is that as ATC is scheduled for a full overhaul in any case this and other assorted ATC bugs will be held pending that work.

But why it was marked the way it was, I don’t know. It is surely one of the most easily reproducible bugs in the SIM and you would think that test conditions would mean that Asobo maintain a range of medium to lower spec machines with standard server connectivity. Otherwise how can they test?

I just sense that ATC is a big topic, subject of a lot of internal debate between MS, Asobo and WT as they consider design options and choices. If you think about it the range of design choices are huge: all the way from an uplift of the current basic system through to a generative AI-backed, voice recognition enabled, multiplayer enabled ATC heaven.

In the meantime we keep voting and posting.


I too am still having this issue… ATC stopped “working” for me about 20-30 minutes after takeoff just now from KADW-SEQM. I can still see what ATC is saying to everyone but I only hear “my” responses. I just don’t understand how this is still a problem lol

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Their own words speak for themselves as to the resolution of this bug… “Unreproduceable… Fixed”. Not “Hard to reproduce” or anything like that. “Unreproduceable”. Like “unmoveable”. Can’t be done. Period. As to the effort they made before making that determination, that’s all speculation but to be fair, also subject to a comparison as to how difficult it is for any of us to reproduce it. What’s not speculation is the finality of their results of whatever efforts one believes they made… “Unreproduceable… Fixed”.

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Crazy as this seems, but this ATC “thing” has gotten more aggressive recently.

I, absolutely, see this issue as you’ve described and in various aircraft that are not the ATR.

It’s gotten so bad that ATC is silent the moment I power up an aircraft at a major airport and tune to ATIS. I have to read the scrolling text to “hear” the conditions.


Same experience. As soon as i tune to ATIS at my departure airport, ATC voices will be gone

It is bad. I’m spending most of my time in the ATR so wasn’t sure if it was sim wide or not. 4 flights today and every single one with silent ATC bug before I reach cruise.

Requires a sim reboot to clear too as it’s sticky over multiple flights in same sim session.
I do use fsltl, and there is as a result more chatter with ai traffic, but it doesn’t always drop during busy chatter times like at an airport, it nearly always drops enroute.

The symptoms are really mad sometimes too. Like recently I’ve had my call get repeated several times while ATC is silent, and I’m not sitting there with my finger hard on the 1 key either. (I use manual atc)

Not sure what is going on but it is way worse recently than it’s been in a while. Just wasn’t sure it was a sim or ATR issue. It seems way worse in the ATR than any other aircraft, but maybe it’s just because I’m not flying anything else much right now. I’ll have to jump back in to the 737 and check.

I don’t think it’s acceptable that they closed the issue. It is happening so frequently for many of us they have to be able to reproduce this. If they need us to help debug, send out some debug code for us all to use, they could have an answer quite fast. 2 years of this is not really acceptable.


Now that is bad!

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I’ve seen this too.


We should collate all the ATC dropping symptoms and escalate somehow. I think the original “cannot hear ATC” is a nice generic catch all, but there are a lot of specific symptoms/timings/causes for everyone.

Last time it was this bad was with the A310 release I stopped using the A310 because of this issue. The 737 was never this bad so I’ll give it ago again. I did have a drop on the a320nx recently too though.

I’ve even read that it happens sometimes with offline mode (which some people swear by, and others have problems with). Don’t know, but right now online ATC is a predictably silence inducing waste of time. I spend most of my flight waiting for & attending to the drops, and their knock on effects when I miss calls, and end up re-requesting IFR following. Not the most fun time tbh, highly immersion breaking and I’m not even a huge fan of that overused phrase.

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I’ve been doing a bit of testing for the beta with the 787. This puts me at major airports that support its size.

With it I’ve seen:

  • No Azure voice upon immediately powering up aircraft and tuning to ATIS
  • Incoming ATC voices silent
  • Outgoing and incoming ATC voices silent
  • Outgoing repeating indefinitely until I click the COM2 or COM3 tab on the ATC window
  • Absolutely no incoming messages including text-only messages coupled with greyed out ATC menu choice(s) until I click COM2 or COM3

Everything same for me apart from the first one, but mainly using ATR with fsltl (and gsx).

  • COM2 sometimes used to partly recover the atc loss situation, but now never does, and switching to com2 seems to make things even worse now.

  • ATC drops seem to me to have gotten worse over time after every sim update or perhaps with every new major in sim aircraft release (A310, ATR). With some worse than others.

Perhaps it’s the way the sim handles ai atc. Assuming no-one is working on the ATC code, something they are changing is definitely making it worse. Sdk mismatches with old fsx atc code? Server loads/priorities?

Without debug tools we are just all left guessing sadly, for 2 years while it all gets steadily worse and more unusable by the day.


Hi all,
i fly mainly the Azurpoly Transall and sometimes the ATR. In both Airplanes i have this Problem. In the ATR i can solve it by switching to the COM which one works (1 or 2), sometimes fails Nr. 1 sometimes Nr. 2. In the C-160 i can’t do this, both COM 1 + 2 do not work. On my last Flight today i did nothing except listen to the ATIS after Powerup and than i only tune in manualy (no clicking or typing in the ATC-Window at all) the Frequencies that shows the ATC-Window on COM 1. And Bam 20 Minutes after Takeoff listening to London-Center (118.475) all went silent. This is how every Flight goes.

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Make sure to vote and watch this clip. Also maybe we should start bugging the **** out of Zendesk about this issue? Seems it has gotten worse since the original post and since I had the issue over a year ago.


If they are hinting at a redevelopment that is nice but that should be a long term goal. Short term they need to find out whether the ATC dropping bugs are client or server side and try and fix them. I mean it’s not CTD level of urgency, but they had monitoring software for that and dramatically reduced those. That is what’s needed here a debug tool that monitors our ATC requests and looks for timing/handshake issues or interruptions etc. With Azure.

There has to be an answer to why it worked quite well apart from copilot atc dropping 2 years ago yet now and several sim updates along it’s far far worse with pilot and atc audio loss. It’s almost unusable.

Long term it does need a redesign, but I’d be far happier if they debugged the current ATC dropping issue first. It may even be something quick to fix. I’m not encouraged by the length of time the this bug has been around nor their
responses here in this video. I think they are only getting away with it because not everyone uses in game ATC, but it is a core aspect of the sim that is currently broken.


Keep in mind it has taken 3 years and 800+ votes to get action on the ‘connection lost’ box. How simple was that in comparison to ATC😬?


I’m in the beta aau2 and had assumed the ATC dropout was to do with that but having read through some of this thread I think that the beta may have just triggered a long time existing fault.

My atc is now either just co-pilot for audio speech or recently the option to submit an IFR flight plan departure after setting up in the in sim FMC (Boeing 747/787) is not available (Just request North / South / East / West departure). Adding this info into this thread as well as the AAU2 beta thread.

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