Hey guys I have had the same issue for a long time…I just lived with it but as someone else wrote…it’s a pain in the butt when you can’t hear ATC clearance to land. I did what MilitaryMav suggested and deleted the files he suggested. So far it worked perfectly. I will take longer flights and I hope it will still work. Thank you for the recommendation.
I have heard from several people in the past switching the ATC text-to-speech setting from Azure to the offline setting can possibly fix it. Although I have not tried recently because people rightfully point out it sounds absolutely terrible like a robot from the early 2000s.
I don’t know why they didn’t use FSX’s text-to-speech voices because, frankly, those sound way better than even the azure setting.
After several tests I have a conclusion, and I hope it can help you and maybe Asobo/Microsoft.
In my case at least, the issue happens with the following combination: Azure + Real live traffic.
Usually the problem will not be present just after starting the flight, but after some minutes.
You can use Azure with no issues with the AI Traffic (which is a bit unreal since the TCAS will not show the traffic) during the entire flight, except if you have internet problema.
You can use real live traffic with offline ATC voice mode (sound settings). Make sure to have English voice package installed on Windows.
However, Azure + real live traffic = no more ATC audio voice (but copilot voice remains) in sone point of the flight (seems to me after take-off). Once the voice is gone, nothing more is possible to bring it back, even if changing to offline, so remember to start the flight with voice mode offline if you want to use real live traffic.
I can say that the issue is related to real live traffic, particularly where there is too much traffic.
If Asobo do not have the capability to reproduce the fault it does not exist, and it is your system’s fault or you are imagining things.
I can’t imagine that Asobo is not able to reproduce this. It is my second system I built from scratch, the issue is there with both.
While it’s true that offline atc has been better in general for atc drops, I have seen the occasional post indicating drops using it too. Perhaps they are different in nature? I will try using offline again and see how long I go between drops. Right now with online/azure + ATR it is dropping during every flight, which is just wasting my time and killing my enjoyment tbh. Usually happens for me not long after takeoff during climb stage. It can be working fine for me even at busy airports with fsltl live traffic, but always seems to drop most frequently during my climb/departure.
Re TCAS what aircraft are you using? as TCAS shows up for me on most airliners now. The fbw a320nx just got it with the latest update(v0.10) I think. The ATR has it and the 737 has had it working for a while.
I’ll also double check the windows english voice pack install. The offline voices are quute comical. Most of them sound like they’d rather be someplace else!
Somehow they managed to create debug reporting for ctds. Despite them being inconsistent. I feel a similar focus on a debug tool for atc would be best use here. No point in one or two devs flying with a different test case environment and perhaps a better connection to Azure and saying there is no issues seen for them.
They should either go fly airliners with fsltl/live traffic at a busy airport or better still have us all auto report atc losses/audio drops in the background with some debug tool. That’s the way to nail this one down. Imo.
This ATC bug is getting worse and is happening no matter what aircraft you fly , whether it’s the ATR, PMDG or FBW using ATC Azure and FSLTL
Starts off ok and then after departure or 20 odd minutes after all audible communication is lost
Switching com1 to com 2 doesn’t work anymore or switching to offline doesn’t
I haven’t tried using offline before starting a flight so will test that
It used to happen on occasions so I lowered injected traffic as I assumed azure couldn’t handle all the ai traffic calls but it now happens every flight
Do a flight with no ai traffic
Fly on vatsim
Or try ATC offline before hitting fly , caveat : I haven’t tried that yet so don’t know if that works
Bottom line , last few days it’s got so bad it’s happening now on EVERY flight, which is an immersion killer and like someone said earlier you have to keep your atc box open so you don’t miss atc instructions which is ridiculous
Hope they at asobo are listening as even in FSX atc actually worked really well
I cannot understand how they can’t fix this
Ridiculous situation for a sim that is nearly 3 years old
TCAS seems to me that only detects online aircraft. Tried with FBW A32N and Salty mod for 748. I will test again with AI traffic.
As for TCAS, it works on PMDG ( alway has)
And with FBW using AIG or FSLTL, not sure about ATR or headwinds superb A330 as I only downloaded that last night and just did a quick circuit around EGSS without FSLTL
Azure atc did not drop out at all during my circuit although it was only about a 30 minute flight with no ai traffic so as I said earlier it’s the ai traffic obviously causing azure to fail , but I’m not blaming FSLTL for that , it’s the terrible ATC
Also something I have not seen discussed is if I use hybrid ATC why does it always read Back QNH in inches instead of millibars
So I get this ATC response: “ Speedbird 1234 QNH 29.92”
When it should be saying “QNH 1013”
I am using Hybrid ATC
They can’t reproduce it because they are probably not using a 3rd party traffic add on
That’s why
It not only happens with 3rd party traffic
Apparently it also happens on XBox with no third party AI traffic.
So it seems to me the Azure crashs when it has too much traffic, AI or real live online.
Oh ok I stand corrected
I only fly with FSLTL so I presumed it was a conflict
I have read that using offline before hitting fly works and doesn’t drop out , will try that today
I have had it when flying across the Sahara with virtually no other traffic in range.
Was that using Azure not offline?
Can’t remember. I probably tried all known work-around options at the time.
Personally I don’t think it is directly an ATC bug, seems more like an MSFS audio bug.
Yes , but that was when you were already flying across the Sahara yes?
Once it goes you can’t get it back ,no matter what you do
I have read on other forums that you need to set it to offline before your flight
I have no personal experience if this is a workaround but will try it today