Can't add waypoints or change destination on world map

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Brief description of the issue:

On the main world menu I can select a departure and a destination by clicking on an airport, but once that is set, I cannot ADD any waypoints or intermediate airports, and cannot change the destination (other than using the destination drop down menu and searching manually for the airport). If you click on the blue box it will disappear, and if anything happened to be on the world map behind your cursor it will select that.
Also, between the DEP and DEST points, no trip time and distance shows.

It seems like the blue drop down box is not responding to the cursor. Screenshots do not show the mouse cursor so I’ve added one from my mobile phone.

NOTE: This seems to resolve itself if I launch a flight, and exit back to the main menu. Then the world map again works as it should. If I close the sim and reload it, the problem returns.

It is breaking gameplay.
PC MS Store v1.24.5.0

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

-Mobile phone photo showing mouse cursor over the blue drop down airport menu. Cannot select ADD or SET AS ARRIVAL.

Another instance a couple of days before.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Load the sim
Click on an airport circle and SET AS DEPARTURE
Click on a destination airport circle and SET AS ARRIVAL
Click on any point that you wish to add as a waypoint. Note the blue drop down box cannot be interacted with.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Not so relevant but:
Gigabyte Aero 15 x9 2070maxQ, 32gb ram,1gb SSD, airbus flightstick and throttles

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

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After going for a fly and returning to the main menu, everything works as it should, including being able to change the arrival airport, and add waypoints as needed. The time and distance box is again appearing.
Very strange.

This has not changed with SU9

I’ve given that a try before but didn’t help my case unfortunately. I’ll test that further.

What does reliably fix it, is launching into a flight and going back to the map again. I wonder if there’s a different loading process at play from launch or from the sim environment.

Not sure what’s going on, but this appears to work for me, unless I’m missing something. I used the airports you gave in your second screenshot:

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Because it works for you that surely doesn’t mean the world map isn’t bugged, I have to go out of the world map and back in for the little box to appear that should show the eta & flight distance. It just doesn’t appear without doing that procedure.

I understand that. I am trying to reproduce the issue and unfortunately cannot.

Happens every time I load, regardless of the airports.

Going for a fly and returning to the map makes it load properly again. No mods, and a fresh install after the previous update.

So not quite sure why it’s been moved out of ‘bugs’ but it is affecting gameplay for me.


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Problem reoccurs intermittenly - cannot add any waypoints. Only resolution for me is to quit to desktop and restart sim - WHY is this still a bug?

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I have exactly the same problem. Waypoints simply don’t work.

A screenshot of Add not doing anything is not much help.

Suggestions seem to go back to the map of scroll in. Neither seems to solve problem.

Same problem here, can´t add nav poins to vfr route.

Solution: I went to control menu option and set up keyboard controls back to default, now I can select add waypoints again, very mysterious behaviour…

And still, for many months now, setting up a manual cache, still does not work.

So annoying, still many many uncountable bugs in this simulator, instead of solving all the issues and correcting all the airplane flaws, gauge and navigation bugs, MS releases new add-ons, to make money, it´s so disapponting.

Yes I had the manual cache issue too. Very strange.

Same issue here as well… Since recently I am not able to add any waypoint to a flightplan. When this first occurred I don’t know exactly; seems that it was only a few weeks ago since I discovered this issue first.
Interestingly, doing an initial FP with only departure and arrival, leaving the world map, then returning to it does the trick: After returning I can add waypoints to the FP again… Good to see that other simmers have the same issue! So there’s hope that this bug gets fixed eventually… :grinning:

For waypoint flying you are better using a planning tool like SimBrief or Littlenavmap eg… There are numerous other examples but these are the first one to mind

This one was an issue with the sim’s world map.

FYI, there is a separate bug report for that with same workaround:

Are you still having that issue ?, I cannot reproduce (using safe mode ms-store)

Haven’t seen it for a while, but I haven’t been able to fly much either. It may finally have been addressed sometime.

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cannot replicate

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