Can't Hide The EFB

All Tab does is make it smaller and park it in the holder. There is no way that I can see to hide it and the holder completely. In the DA62 when parked, it covers pretty much the entire co-pilots windscreen.

This is a major, major bummer :frowning:

Asobo I know that this is one of your shiny new toys and you really want us to love it, but shoving it in our faces and refusing to let us put it in our briefcase is NOT the way to endearmentā€¦

Edit: Turns out you can hide the tablet, thanks @Eddrik84 for showing us the way. It still leaves the ugly mounting hardware visible though - I would really like the option to hide the lotā€¦


Totally agree.

I will at some point want to use the EFB for sure, but even then I only want to see it when I need it, not all the time.

You can at least pop it out onto another screen, but even then the holder is still covering half the window in the DA62!

It looks like you should be able adjust the holder in some way (it highlights when you mouseover), but nothing happens when you click on it.

Iā€™d be way better as a kneeboard type thing.

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There must be some functionality within the sim to hide it.

I noted it is hidden here during my takeoff lesson in Career Mode:

Only the suction cup mount is present on the window there.

We really do need an easy way to hide it.

Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.

Hi All,

Anyone know if there is a way of hiding the tablet in the stock planes in FS2024? I would rather see the scenery than be looking at a tablet as I generally donā€™t use it at all.


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If you search control bindings for ā€œtoggleā€ I think youā€™ll find toggle tablet. pretty sure I saw that today.

Awesome. Thanks. Iā€™ll have a look when I get home later.

It doesnā€™t work, it just makes the tablet a bit smaller and docks it in the holder. The tablet and holder are permanently visible with no way currently known to make them invisible.

Bugger. I hope they can fix that soon.

To hide the tablet. Push on the button on the side of the tablet.


Youā€™re a star!

Thank you!

Many thanks for pointing this out - still leaves the mounting hardware visible though. This is particularly obnoxious in the DA62 - itā€™s a large eyesore that comes complete with an ugly cable run snaking all over the cockpit. I would really like the option to hide the lotā€¦


Thanks for the tip!

Thank you ! By any chance any idea if there is an option to have it back on the mount ? (not as a floating window using the toggle binding)

Found it, just need to click on the mount:

This is NOT something that can be solved by the user community. The tablet must be either removed or moved to another location for the aircraft to be usable. Please allow us to either remove it or put it in the same spot as the Cessna 172 with the same mounting hardware as that aircraft. This aircraft has so much potential, please make this change so half of the windshield isnā€™t blocked. Thanks.

See related wishes:
Let us change the EFB location in cockpit
Allow hiding EFB and it's mounting bracket, it obscures the view outside

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Thanks! Hopefully it happens.

It ainā€™t easy to see it, but yep, it sure works - Thanks a lot for that ā€œGemā€