Career missions extreme turbulence? anyone else or area dependent?

After getting my PPL, I tried a couple missions after the first intro mission. So far all have been absolutely crazy (intro one was terrible). C172 is super turbulent, plane going all over the place (especially constantly swaying left/right). It’s not my inputs, it’s like extreme weather/winds.
I’m starting off in Southern California and weather is clear/calm so it’s not real weather…what’s going on? Is the weather randomly generated or is it all just broken?


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It happened with me too. And some missions the 172 seems to struggle to climb at normal rate

Did you find a solution? So far it seems it’s stuck on same bad weather that’s throwing the plane around every mission I do. It does not happen in free fly mode.

I don’t want to get too far into the career mode before realizing the career mode bugged out at start and I need to start all over again or something.

Are these like scripted missions? If so, then the weather will normally be fixed. This is necessary so everyone is graded the same and has the same experience.

I doubt you are using the official definition of “extreme” because a light aircraft won’t survive such weather. But light aircraft are really tiring to control even in moderate turbulence. And that isn’t uncommon.

As for the “climb at normal rate”. Are you in a high pressure system? Is it hot? Is the location at high altitude? “Normal rate” depends on a number of things, there is no single “normal rate”.

To reduce it, you could try the options menu and turn turbulence from Realistic so some other setting.

I’ve been using flight sims for decades, this isn’t normal behavior even under light/moderate wind conditions, it’s yaws left/right like 5-10 degrees constantly back and forth and is near impossible to control and only happens in missions. I figured the weather would be fixed clear as only option you’re given is if you want clouds or not.
But my guess is it’s stuck in some high wind/turbulent condition and won’t pop out of it for the missions.
I’ve tried Low turbulence setting, auto rudder assist and many other things and I can’t get it stable, just constantly have to fight the plane throughout the missions.
I just stopped doing them after the 4th one because clearly something is wrong.

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Yes, it makes sense. I just simplified and it got wrong. I used normal rate like the “baseline” values for a C172, like the 55/60knots to rotate. Just trying to do what i made from the last 15+ years on a lot of different simulators. Thats what i meant.

The wheater seems to be scripted. I also got some missions that the altitude that the mission give me was direct into a mountain… well… thats new LOL

lol yah it’s pretty buggy… first mission kept saying to go lower, she wants to get closer look… look lady, I’m at 250ft and bouncing all over! Are you high?!


I just had a try of the first few missions and I can’t see any controllability issues because it isn’t difficult to stay on the path. The turbulence we are seeing I’d class as light to moderate. In a real aircraft you can gauge the level easier because it is based on feel. No papers or drink bottles are flying around the cabin and we can’t feel if we are being forced out of our seat or not in the sim!

If you are trying to counteract each turbulent movement, don’t. That is over controlling and just makes it worse. In real life too. As you can see, once it yaws one way, it yaws in the other next. So you just adjust smoothly to keep your track.

However, the aircraft was maybe yawing more than I’d expect given the affects on roll in particular. It is a bit hard to be subjective in a sim because in real life we are attached to the aircraft. In the sim we aren’t, so the view/feeling is different. Asobo need the gauges to react properly like they do now so I’m not sure what they can do about it.

It’s been quite a few years since I’ve flown so maybe someone more current can chime in on 172 in particular accuracy.

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Same here,
Pretty nasty dark clouds and turbulent weather.
Crosswind, 30 degree slip landing lol. I haven’t known I could do this :smiley:

I fly simulators since I was a kid, never had to fight the aircraft this way.

Ah, I fly in Alps lol. I, thought it would be quite nice place to fly around.

It sounds like youre not seeing the same issue at all then because I wouldn’t class the turbulence as light to moderate and would certainly class it as extreme as OP stated.

The 172 is near impossible to fly and I’ve had hundreds of hours in 2020 with it.

It blows me sometimes hundreds of feet wide of the gates at anything over 80kts.

Seems to be absolutely fine taking off and landing but when cruising especially on flight seeing missions / it’s nearly impossible to circle the POI especially keeping within 0.4 nm.

I’m having this same issue. I always play with low turbulence and other assistance turned on. I’ve found that even though I turn turbulence on low and icing off and some other assistances on, once I start the mission and go to setting, it turns the realism settings back to realistic. I’m not able to play with these settings on due to fine motor skill issues and motion sickness. I really hope they fix this.

Even if it changes to realistic, it’s not realistic as I was literally flying over my neighborhood for a mission. It was dark heavy clouds w/ moderate to extreme turbulence. However, it was clear skies, sunny and 2-5kts wind in real world. So I have no idea where it’s getting the weather from for these missions, it’s not enjoyable. There is no managing altitude or heading to maximize the mission’s goals, xp and credits. No way it’ difficulty 1 star type of weather and has to be a bug is my guess.


Same thing happened to me too, and in the settings it doesn’t turn off but it stays on extreme turbulence in career mode


Yeah, I noticed this as well, I don’t think it’s right to force us to play on realistic in a single player mode.

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I think the weather is very messed up, every mission has severe turbalance, even under clear skies. I actually had the weirdest thing just happen. While cruising in the 172 on autpilot, it suddenly violently pitched down almost 90 degrees, went from 110 knots to 155knots, but also went from 2,000 ft up to 5800 ft in seconds, like something was pulling me from above. Went to idle power and tried to level out and it was still cruising at 145 knots or more and climbing.

I have not had a smoothe flight yet, every single flgiht is severe turbulence the entire duration.


Same here,

I fly aircraft for a living and use the 172 a lot for training and personal stuff. If my 172 flew at all like any career mission Ive flown yet, Id never jump in a plane again lol. Career mode is not even playable in my eyes. Free flight… no issues…except the AP functions are glitchy.

Same problem here! It’s impossible to handle the plane. The winds are extremely erratic, changing direction and speed multiple times per second, making the plane move like crazy.

Would just like to add to the report same here too

Flying out of Georgia USA, I report the same issue. I thought it was maybe a windy day when I noticed it, so this was yesterday ( IRL ) and today same thing. Its very cross windy and moderate wind. Sometimes when flying straight and level the 172 will just gain altitude almost like a rotorcraft. The turbulence is just too much every mission I fly. I have not been able to figure out a way around this.

So I am too reporting the same issue.