Career Mode - flat tire on RWY


Description of the issue:
So I’m flying a mission and get an alert popup saying there was a tire malfunction.
I continue the mission and land without crashing but the plane stops dead on the RWY and won’t move.
Now the tower just keeps repeating for me exit the RWY.

The mission steps box shows stop at hold short. No option to skip to the next step.

Logic error - the rest of this form is not applicable.

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Yep I have experienced this twice now. Hours of my life wasted for nothing.

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its not really a bug.

in c172 a blown tire does make the plane unmovable.

C208 however is able to drag the blown tire ( i had a right tire blowout, but was still able to reach my parking stand ).

when it happens on a C172, I had this issue too - and wasnt able to reach parking stand.

This is a situation where you need to be more vigilant on walkarounds ( checking brakes and tires ).

On the 737 I had a blowout due to user error ( slammed into runway too hard ), and unfortunately - the plane was almost imovable.

A “end mission now” option in case of failure would be handy here.
And then the mission’s part done still evaluated accordingly.

It happened to me with a C172 at about 10m from the parking spot, little tire mark on the taxiway (pretty nice btw) and unable to move.
This was intentional, I knew tires were worn but I wanted to see what will happen next ^^
But I got the “Skip to next step” option and I was able to end my mission properly.

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For my 2 cents. I have had a flat tire in a real 172 on landing (worn out tire). Full right rudder and differential braking is all that kept me kinda straight on the runway and as we slowed and lost rudder authority it dragged us left and luckily onto a taxiway where we were able to cross the hold short line and stop but couldn’t move or control the aircraft from there, had to get a tow. So not being able to move with a flat seems pretty realistic.


No one is saying its not realistic being unable to taxi. But flying a 3 hour mission with no provisions in the logic to end the mission is a problem.

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True you would still be able to finish the delivery if you landed at the destination. Maybe a lower payment since you’d have to be towed off and you’d delay the delivery etc something along that line and you still have to pay to fix your airplane.

In both my instances, I landed on the runway and came to a grinding halt (which was kinda cool) but then you are stuck. There should be an option to skip to the holding box once on the destination runway but there is not. And since you cannot taxi to the holding box, your only option is to abort the mission.

It’s a bug because there’s no way to continue the mission.

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a flat tire shouldn’t allow mission to continue.

but a skip to parking option should be made available.

there is already a penalty for the flat tire itself ( it counts towards not taking care of aircraft condition - which is something a pilot should have verified in his walkaround ).

If you tires, brakes or struts are orange - it is up to the user to take responsibility for flying an aircraft which has not - if you ignore tires during the walkaround - this is still a fault of the pilot failing to identify and maintain aircraft wear.

  • You have the option to abort ( in the end, it is still the user’s fault a tire has blown)
  • but a Skip to Parking to Tow to Parking option is should be allowed for pilots stranded at destination airport only - but with a penalty to the pilot ( not respecting their aircraft’s condition ).

There should not be a free penalty free pass as pilots should still regularly check the condition of their plane before flying - and choosing to fly with worn/damaged components - should be at their own risk.

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I’m not advocating for no penalty.

IRL the airport authorities are not going to leave the aircraft on the RWY.
Having the game charge a fee for towing the A/C to an FBO would be fine.

Having the only option to be aborting the mission is simply bad design.

As with many of the complaints I have with the game, this would have been solved if Asobo had the time and resources to publish a fine manual.

“a flat tire shouldn’t allow mission to continue.”
The plane and cargo (AFAIK) weren’t damaged beyond the tire.
Why wouldn’t the mission continue?

Well your logic is flawed. On both both of my tire failures, all tires passed on the walk around and failed due to a random failure 3/4 of the way thru the flight. So get off your high horse that someone should be penalized for not performing a walk around. It is a problem with the code.

The bottom line is insufficient time was spent testing career mode or the failure system. Otherwise these anomolies would have been easily identified.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes and no
in my case the engine blew (freshly maintained so is this RANDOM???)
i was within distance of the parking spot :L literally 10 feet short of completion and the mission ended being a waste of time with the Only way out to Abort

I don’t know if this relates to your situation, but a source of confusion in the preflight walkaround inspection is that the green checkmark only means the part has been inspected – it doesn’t mean the part is in good condition. To actually see the condition of the part you have to have “instrument name tooltips” turned on in Flight Interface settings. Many people turn this off because it’s visually obstructive in the cockpit to have those popping up all the time. (In my opinion the inspection popups should not be tied to instrument tooltips.)


FWIW - There’s a wish list item to change the tool-tip settings such that one doesn’t have to turn them on for the pre-flight and off for the flight. Veterans of the sim mostly don’t fly with the tool-tips on.


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Well, that would be the issue then. Would it not make sense to turn the green check mark into a red check mark if something was not 100%. Now yet another item I have to constantly turn on and/or turn off. The more time I invest in 2024 the more frustrated I become. Thank you for cluing me in and taking the time to respond. You are 100% correct inspection popups SHOULD NOT be tied to tooltips yet another thing IMHO that would have been caught if time had actually been spent testing this software prior to pushing it out to the masses.

Of course even if they improve the tooltip situation, the original problem of “what are they expecting us to do when our plane can’t move?” remains, lol

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For what its worth I’ve seen people pop good tires IRL, locking up the brakes will quickly flat spot and could pop a tire that passed the preflight. there could always just be FOD on the runway, I do like that something like tire pops have been implemented. one point to realism :+1:

Yet another case where the cause of the issue is that a player cannot Read The (ahem) Fine Manual because there is no Fine Manual.

It seems that this has been addressed.

While on a cargo mission I just had a hard landing and broke the landing gear and blew a tire on my C208.

The Mission Steps instructions were to stop the aircraft.
After I did so, the Mission Complete dialog appeared and I was presented with the post-mission assessments. Cargo integrity was 90%, but I scored -13% airline procedures and the other criteria scored poorly as well. I went from an S reputation to somewhere between a C and B. And yes, I lost money on the mission due to needing repairs.

Anyway, things are looking up vis a vis missions. Next thing I’m looking forward to is a proper pre-flight weather briefing, so I don’t fly to a field with a crosswind.