There’s no issue with longer missions, but they shouldn’t be the only option for some mission types. Medevacs and Cargo flights are particularly at fault (there may be other types).
2.5 or 3.5 hour minimum mission lengths are too long. By all means keep some long ones, but also include shorter ones. Not every Medevac or Cargo flight needs to be that long. (and some of us have lives)
I agree. I have been getting the AP setup and stable, then I load YouTube or a streaming service on my laptop and watch some videos or a movie. I might start skipping to the next portion once I am aloft and stable. It’s less money per mission, but if I can fly more missions in the allotted time to play then I may come out ahead anyway. Needs testing.
However the argument would be that I would miss some stunning visuals. I flew from northern Oregon into Canada and had a spectacular view of Mt Everest poking up through a layer of clouds.
Yes, this would be good specially because airliners missions are offered with different lengh, so it would be good to have the same for medium cargo and medevac (if not, everyone might take airliners missions if they don’t mind flying high up
One of the main reasons I fly Neofly rather than Air Hauler is the ability to set the length of flights/jobs offered - from 30 miles up. This is great cos I like flying strips and regionals and can get a couple of jobs in per session.
Career mode is something I’ve been looking forward to in FS2024, but if I can’t get a job in within a 2 hour session (including planning etc) I won’t be doing it.
Yes, this! The way missions spawn now is insane, with maybe 10-20 missions of each type across the entire world! Every airport should have something to do, so that you can land somewhere, find a mission there, then find a new mission at the airport you landed at (or a short ferry flight away).
Ideally, I’d like to see a small selection of missions of various lengths and profitability at pretty much every airport, or at least every major one. And preferable no missions to closed down airports.
Assuming they don’t nerf this as it’s a logged bug for some reason, you can increase the sim rate on these longer flights once you’ve got AP set up and shorten the cruise. I used to do this all the time for OnAir and FSEconomy. (Both of those would calculate estimated flight time based on your aircraft and keep your plane “virtually” in the air for that length of time. But there’s no real-time/persistent aircraft component to MSFS2024 career mode, so that shouldn’t matter.)
Yeah. But the main problem is that there aren’t enough missions, and that they’re generally very far away from your airplanes. Having a bigger variety of missions, at more airports, would give us more opportunities to fly without paying transfer fees.
I like the long cargo flight’s, I think they should be up to 5-7 hours. That’s what AP is for. The long flights I can let AP do it’s thing, and check back every 30-60 minutes. To buy a plane is expensive, like real life prices. Maybe some shorter flights for quick sessions.
I’ve made the mistake of trying to squeeze the GPH down too low during cruise in the C172. I’ve been alerted by the stall horn and look over to see the AP has trimmed to 52% trying to maintain FL110 and the plane is dangerously close to falling out of the sky.
AGREE! Medevac missions should be picking a patient up from a remote airfield and bringing them to a nearby large town or city. 20-30 mins flight time tops.
It makes no sense at all to pick up someone with a medical emergency in Scotland and transport them to Greece!
I love flying the PC-12 and Caravan but when majority of the missions are 2-3 hours it’s a bit off putting.
Would be nice to either have a multi-leg you can do in stages that adds up to the same total time (more landings = fun) or just some shorter length missions in these planes and the higher performance ones
Hi, I would like to revive this topic.
It has gotten worse since the last update.
Now medium cargo missions take 5:30 hours and medevac missions take 6:30 - 7:00 hours - all with the same pay as before!
This is totally absurd, now I’m forced to skip something if I don’t have 6- 7 hours spare time.
Edit: It would make sense that some missions take up to 7 hours, because there are international / cross border patient transports in real life but for me it’s not comprehensible why all missions take 6 - 7 hours in the sim.