Career mode unplayable

Hey all. I was able to finally fix this issue. I now have a character model and am able to load into career mode and any other activities that start with a walkaround. (Including spawning at a parking stand in free flight.

This solution is for Steam users only, please let me know if it worked for you.

  • Ensure MSFS 2024 is closed.

  • In the following path: “C:\Users\ YOUR USERNAME \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\StreamedPackages”
    delete ALL the folders that start with “asobo-proceduralgeneration”. There should be 15 folders to delete in total.

  • Turn off Steam Cloud in Steam settings.

  • Go into offline mode on Steam.

  • Navigate to where Steam.exe is located. For me it’s “S:\Program Files (x86)\Steam”

  • Navigate into “Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ STEAM ACCOUNT ID \2537590” (Find your Steam account ID by using

  • Confirm folder “2537590” has a folder in it called “remote” and a file called “remotecache.vdf”.

  • Delete folder “2537590”

  • Reboot PC

  • Start Steam (Keep it in OFFLINE mode)

  • Start MSFS 2024

  • When prompted, re-login to your XBOX account

  • When the progress bar shows at the bottom of the screen (it should get stuck on 0%) go ONLINE on Steam

From here I was prompted to create a character identity like the initial install but It crashed again when selecting my characters outfit etc.
I launched the game mulitple times and this persisted.

I then turned back on Steam Cloud with the game closed and when it prompted me that there was a cloud conflict, I selected my latest local data.

After this I relaunched the sim another couple of times and then I suddenly had a character that was able to be customised.


Does anyone else have the problem that they can only start some of the missions? Starting VIP or cargo/ferry missions, it’s stuck on the world map loading screen. When starting other missions (green, parachute) it works flawless. Anyone else or any tips? THX


I would recommend using a VPN and connecting the USA or Canada as these are the best countries to use at the moment till they fix these bugs hopefully in a couple of days.

Nord VPN seems to be the best one for MSFS 2024.

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Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately not changing anything. It’s just these mission types. Rest of the sim works really well (VPN or not), also the other mission types in career mode. Don’t know if they’re just buggy or if it’s still due to the server issues at Microsoft

It’s most likely a combination of both hopefully they will fix this very soon.

I’m still having continual crashes trying free flight and career mode - almost impossible to get into the sky

Same for me man, despite owning one aircraft for my company and having nearly all certification, I can only do ■■■■■■ mission, the interesting one load forever, shame…

I can’t get past this mission. I get CTD every time.


Same problem. Can`t do V.I.P mission. Get crash after reaching 4000 altitude

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The flaps issues is on these planes too:


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I have crash issues now after todays patch. Random CTD during flight on every career mission. Prior to today’s patch, I’ve had zero crashes.

Edit 11/24 - I have not had a crash in the past 24 hours. Maybe some sort of cloud update have solved this?

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I still cant play them all day yesterday and today stuck with the low dollar stuff really sucks.

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What is this game is completely playable?

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The license for night flights is also given to me by the CTD

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I’ve had my co-pilot being “the red error man” before, so maybe that’s happening when you have co-pilot enabled?

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I continue to crash to desktop when on final in Career Mode first ferry flight.

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Career mode, started business, was able to do a few mission but then I fixed plane up and now the game freezes when I select any other freelance mission. I have restarted a few times and it always locks up when I select accept mission…

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Been playing career for 2 days quite enjoyable…still buggy thou…the problem came yesterday as I wanted to get the jet engine certification…as soon as the aircraft for the exam displays → CTD ;-(
Tried multiple times no luck…

UPDATE: 25.11
Still no luck…anybody with this issue ?

UPDATE 26.11
Found a workaround…done the Exam on my XBOX X Series :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I cant post a bug report yet because too low “points”.

but in Career Mode - my Crewed company aircraft generate ZERO passive income. They don’t do anything at all.

Founded a company, bought an heli but not mission to do
what a shame.