Carenado aircraft. Have you tried them?

I am thInking of bying one of the two aircraft in the marketplace. Have you tried them and which one would you suggest?

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I own the Ovation - it’s quite fun and retro, it’s a great cross-country single engine plane. There’s not a ton of options, but it’s the best plane addon currently IMO, and Carenado have always done well in the mid-spec range of crafts.


The M20R Ovation offers some kind of variety of systems compared to what we already have. The other one is just a copy-paste of default systems we already have in all the default planes.
I haven’t tried that one so I can’t tell.

I own them both and fly the Ovation more than any other plane.

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I have both and like others prefer the M20

If you could only afford 1, the Mooney is what i would recommend.

Thank you a lot!

upvote for the M20. It is my Round the world plane… has a good cruise for the longer legs but performs adequately for low and slow as well…

A question for the other Mooney owners… has anyone noticed the swaying when using the heading lock on the AP? I have had it since the last MSFS patch.

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Same, I’ve owned both on all 3 platforms. If you only get one - get the Mooney. It’s more unique than the C182, and is a decent piston cruiser. The latest patches have fixed a lot of the issues with both planes.

I got Mooney and I love it

Did you update the Mooney to 1.1? There’s an update available via the content manager in the sim that fixes the issue with HDG mode.

ahhh , thank you, friend. I was not aware of that. Cheers :slight_smile:

I’m having a blast with the Mooney. :blush:
And if the Cessna had better engine sound and not like lotus esprit turbo challenge on the amiga, I’d buy it too for sure.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:
It’s really easy to miss the update. I only know about it because I read about it somewhere here on the forums. There’s no notification whatsoever…

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Yea, you think as it is in the content manager, that when it goes “checking for updates” at the beginning of the game it would download any updates in the content manager :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol yup, contact manager, you have one job…


I hate to be negative, but the current Content Manager is terrible.
#1 - it should be located in the Marketplace ( yeah, I get that it’s “your content” )
#2 - everything, including missions, landing challenges is in one huge list
#3 - searching doesn’t work well
#4 - you have to manually look for updates to your products - there’s no high level notification

Either products should automatically update at launch, with a notification on the main menu that there was an update applied or… there should be a main menu notification about product updates, that takes you to the Content Manager, and every product with an update is automatically color coded and filtered to the top of the list.

example - I know FSDT has an update for Key West - but it’s not in the Marketplace yet - so every time I launch the sim, I have to go to Content Manager and scroll through 150+ entries to see if the patch has been added. ( yes, you can search for FSDT - but you can’t search for Key West or KEYW )

ORBX Central does a good job with their product update system - something like this would be great.

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Hi, i got the answer via email from Carenado: you woun’t have standard pushback from the msfs, no active checklist.

Both are great, and fun to fly.

The initial release of both were a little rough, and having no experience of Carenado, it seemed like all the rumours were true. But in short order, updates have been released, two for the C182T, and the majority of issues have been resolved.

I’m flying a C182 ( not turbo ) IRL right now and the engine does sound like a tractor :wink:

I read ages ago that Carenado mixed the sounds to simulate wearing a headset.