Carenado announced Cessna 337 Skymaster

It looks like it is available now.


Really annoying that they put out another new plane but still didn’t bother to update the older ones.
So no Skymaster for me until the rest is fixed.

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still don’t see it on the marketplace, I guess it’s gonna update later.

Same here, I don’t see it.
I would assume it should be there before a posting like this is published, but you cannot be sure of anything anymore. Sad world!

wheeeere is itttt

The marketplace has not actually been updated yet. I imagine it will today.

Let’s hope so.
The posting is misleading as it states “There are 52 new and 42 updated products in the Marketplace today.”
It should’ve said “there will be
I’ll keep checking.


If history repeats itself, you’ll have five weeks to fly the pretty Skymaster - hopefully trouble free - before the scheduled Update 22 February. Then, you’ll have five months of waiting for it to be sorta-kinda “fixed.” Not quite “abandonware” but so far, the track record is not good.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m afraid of 

Well, I’ll get it on Feb 23rd then. Or not.

Not sure guys, I realize that I have read some users complaining about Carenado models lacking updates, but I haven’t seen a real explosion of complaints. Personally I own the PA44, C182, PA34 and the M201R from Carenado with no issues at the moment.
By what I have read, the Seneca PA34 has been pretty stable since the initial release, so I am a bit more optimistic about the C337. It’s my favorite twin anyways!


The Seneca is one of my favorites. So far, I think its the best plane from them. However, its hit or miss with them. Not all Carenado planes are created equal. I’m hoping the 337 is at least as good as the Seneca. I feel bad for Carenado, since, the update cycle of MSFS is so rapid they never have a chance to catch up. They haven’t been able to release a new plane in a while. So that means no money coming in.

I sure hope you’re right. I always wanted to own a Skymaster, but marriage and children and life
 I wouldn’t trade any of it for an airplane. :slight_smile:

Still, it would be great to own one for MSFS. One of my favorite planes to fly in FS2004 was the FSD-International 337D Skymaster, which also included the 337H (turbocharged and pressurized cabin) an 0-2 (think Bat 21) as well.

The shots of the Carenado Skymaster look really pretty

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I loaded up the sim because today’s update listed it as newly available.

Nope. I gotta say the MSFS Marketplace is really, really in need of someone to come in and take charge and fix their SLAs and functionality. It’s just embarrassingly bad from a standpoint of reliability and turnaround.

That’s not news to anyone else who loves MSFS. But it does make me wish Carenado wasn’t Marketplace-exclusive because I’d just as soon buy anywhere else until they get their, er, act, together.


There is better support for freeware planes
 The c170 gps is still bugged for months
 no cerenado planes for me anymore

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I’m about to lose my ever-loving mind if it’s not showing up in the next few hours. We’ve been waiting MONTHS to fly it.

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And sadly after SU8 you may well be waiting months again :frowning:


I take it everybody went home without hitting the “GO” button on the Marketplace. If it’s not here now, it won’t be here for probably another 15 hours.

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Really? Then I wonder how JustFlight, IndiaFoxTecho, SWS, Big Radials, Flying Iron, DC Designs and all the other quality developers manage to keep up with the rapid update cycle 

Carenado have a very long and consistent reputation of not bothering to update their products. I had honestly hoped that their close relationship with MS and Asobo would have changed that - and in the beginning it looked like it so up till now I bought 4 planes. But from now on I will spend my money on other more reliable developers exclusively.

From a quality standpoint the marketplace and Carenado fit together hand in glove if you ask me 
Really sad for the XBox crowd who have no alternative than the marketplace .


The others update via their own stores as well, they still suffer from the same update lag on the marketplace.

It’s honestly the one part of the sim I can truly call a shambles. I want to buy the new 337 but having to do it through the marketplace really puts me off. I may have to grit my teeth and jump if it’s any good though, last time I tried I got a failed transaction had to go through support to actually get the product I paid for.

Can’t process purchases properly, glacial speed of updates and issues with code execution that keep all the popular addons out of it. They need to really step up their game before too much damage is done to it’s reputation, in the end this part of the sim is critical I think for keeping MSFS in active development for 8 more years.