Carenado announced Cessna 337 Skymaster

Being a 337 fanboy I can say after a 45min flight I am loving it.
Nuf said.


Unfortunately, I have a couple of hours before I can pick mine up for some trials… Have you tried to fly with an engine out yet? Also, do you know if the aft engine runs into cooling problems on the ground? IIRC, from what I’ve read, the real plane would have cooling issues with the rear engine on the ground and if it wasn’t managed, you could end up with an engine out on take-off.

I didn’t try single engine yet. I wasnt on the ground long enough to even get the engines warm lol

Has anyone else noticed that the weather radar screen doesn’t update automatically? I have to turn it off and on or change modes to get the screen to refresh. Am I doing something wrong? I sent a ticket to Carenado but figured I’d ask here as well.

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There are known Asobo issues with weather radar that are said to hopefully be fixed in SU8. It’s detailed in the latest dev update.

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Ah, darn. Maybe that’s Carenado was held up with so long, I’m guessing they just got tired of waiting. I’ll see what Carenado reports back to me but I figure they’ll confirm it’s an Asobo issue.

Well, I did a few short and so far I’m enjoying it. It’s about what you’d expect from a Carenado aircraft :smiley:

I’ve done three shorter hops and a longer night flight with ILS approach. So far haven’t run into anything serious, though I’ve yet to try out the rain and ice effects, run through every AP setting, engine out, that sort of thing. For now, I’m quite pleased.

I do hope some painters will paint a few more liveries for this, especially dirty ones. The current ones look a bit too clean for my personal taste.


It’s been a long wait for the Carenado C337 but it was always going to be a day 1 buy for me. I loved flying the model back in FSX, and was keen to capture some of that nostalgia, despite the developer not holding the highest standing amongst their peers in MSFS.

For what its worth, the purchase definitely lived up to my expectations. The visual model is faultless, the soundset is deep and throaty, the handling is balanced and mild mannered, and all in all, I find it a very easy to operate hands on light twin to fly. The fact it now comes with a tablet interface and is compatible with the PMS GTN750 right out the box breathes a whole new lease of life into this iteration too.

For those new the aircraft type, the autopilot control panel is located on the lower pedestal and it’s operation is fairly rudimentary. Use the pitch wheel on it to control your rate of descent/ascent. When you wish to level off, select the ALT button on the main autopilot panel. Coupled enroute navigation is of course available via either VOR/GPS too.

Engine feathering has been modeled, with the prop lever needing to be lifted up out of a detent at the aft of its range to take the blade angle all the way through.

My test flight today was Tofino on Vancouver Island over to Friday Harbor. Enjoy the screengrabs-

My only gripe so far is the ground handling is a little too sensitive from my RW experience in similar Cessnas. With a bit of power on, applying rudder and dabbing the toe brake resulted in the opposite wheel lifting off the ground and the wingtip striking the ground. Take it easier than you normally would during taxing and you won’t have any problems.


I will do a bugfix in the cockpit like I did with the Mooney M20 - the EDM gauge of the Skymaster has the same texture glitch the Mooney also has with the E of the EDM half-way buried into the round frame of the gauge.

The screenshot is very blurred but I have seen in YouTube vids that the EDM gauge texture bug is there.

Below is how I fixed the visuals of this EDM gauge in my Mooney cockpit overhaul.

But no dirty and worn cockpits will ever be uploaded from me - I would never make a dirty livery or dirty cockpit :wink: (just a minor used look to make it realistic if an airplane is very old).


Thanks for taking the time to review it. I will pick this up tonight, when Im done with work. Looks great as usual from Carendo. The 337 has always been a favorite of mine. I hear the rear engine tends to overheat a lot in the real plane on the ground due to not getting a lot of air. I wonder if any of that is modeled?


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Beautyful! Carenado always manages to catch such a superb realistic look of the cockpit.

No it´s not 100% flawless - the EDM gauge again has this small texture glitch the letter E is half-way buried into the frame of the gauge but I will take care of this like I did with the Mooney M20 EDM gauge and upload the texture fix as soon as I have this airplane.

But an otherwise absolute beautyful and hyperrealistic looking airplane, wonderful!
Finally Stephen Kings The Night Flier has arrived in the hangar.
And yes I am interested too about the temperature of the rear engine, and I would also like to know how it flies with one engine off, and how the cockpit gauge illumination looks like at night… :slight_smile:
Please upload some screenshots from the cockpit at night (almost no YouTuber flies at nighttime or shows the cockpit at dusk or dawn, that´s why it´s always interesting to see how the illumination looks like on screenshots.)


Your wish is my command! There are separate dimmers located behind the left-hand yoke for both panel flood lighting and then the instrument/switch back lighting. I’ve taken two shots that show both dials on their most dimmest setting, followed by their most brightest:


This is one of my very favorite GA aircraft, had to grab it right when it was released! Tried it for an hour and a half and it seems to work very well (handling on the ground and in the air, basic instruments, NAV COM ADF and Garmin GPS). It looks pretty good and the sounds are cool too. Overall a nice aircraft, not the same quality as the Kodiak for instance that has more advanced visual modelling and system modelling too, but still a very nice one to me!

The only minor issues I found are :

  • animation of the toe brakes (pressing left toe brake presses the top both copilot pedals, pressing right toe brake presses the top both pilot pedals), it is purely visual though, the left and right brake work as intended for slowing down the aircraft
  • left and right throttle/prop rpm/mixture levers are reversed compared to other aircraft (for instance my left levers move the left levers in the Baron, they move the right levers in the Skymaster), again this is minor and I could swap my bindings as a workaround

edit :

  • forgot to mention the yoke animation (especially forward/back) looks a bit odd to me, I feel like it should have more amplitude, but I guess someone who tried the real airplane should confirm that, I could be wrong

Another point worth noting is the slightly greened cockpit glass. It won’t be for everyone but I really like this effect personally. It takes the harshness of the white sim clouds and gives a view more akin to what you’d see when wearing sunglasses when flying. It’s the subtlety’s like this that make a good addon a great addon!


noticed the inverted levers too, what about the toe brake pedals animation? pressing left shows left and right copilot pressed, pressing right shows left and right pilot pressed, same for you?

How’s the sound? If its anything like their 182… I think I’ll pass

Anyone tested it out in VR yet?

I like the sound, great inside the cockpit, pretty good outside. I never tried the 182 so I can’t compare… I did try it in VR and it’s all good, pilot position was not forward enough for me (just a bit), but other than that, no complaint!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the 182 sounds like its straight from FS2000

Of course, I’d take bets that SU8 will break some critical component of one or more of the Carenado aircraft once again, and we’ll be waiting for a fix for weeks (or months.) But the weather radar will be working.

I’m usually an optimistic sort, but after having purchased four Carenado aircraft and having them all sit for weeks and weeks (the Mooney was not even usable - broken fuel selector!) I am feeling less than optimistic about the Skymaster and SU8, now less than five weeks away.

Have fun while you can, and good luck! Glad to hear it’s a nice model.

I use a 300watt tactile transducer(buttkicker) and the sound effects are rocking the chair. I fly vr only(G2) and wear gaming headphones.
The sound is excellent for my setup. It lands very smooth. In the takeoff roll the acceleration feels like a heavy plane.
my 2 centz