Carenado Cessna 182T Skylane

Trying to purchase Caranado 182 from the market place but all I get is a purchase in progress thing happening and it has bee going for some time.
How long should it take.

Do you have the steam edition? Then make sure you have the steam overlay turned on

i do. Thanks for the advice

Despite my first purchase going quite well (once I had come to the forum to find how to do it), my second was a real PITA - so I decided to simply add funds to my Steam wallet first and then go and buy the add-on aircraft. This went so much quicker and more easily.
Yes, I now have a surplus of funds in my wallet, but that can go towards the next purchase.

Hi everyone,

After the last update I reloaded the C 182 by Carenado but it doesn’t have an Auto Pilot, it did before the update. Just wondering if anyone else had the same problem

I just checked, mine is ok:

Mine is OK too. Maybe try reloading MSFS agsin? NOT reinstall just a restart/reload? Good luck. I enjoy the C182T, I just wish the defroster worked.:tired_face::+1:

Thanks, KSAT
For the heads up, it worked. I am so used to flying aircraft, all of which had the G1000 with autopilot; when it was missing on my 182. It’s all good now. Thanks again :+1:

I am trying to find the checklists PDF’s to print for the Carenado 182T and for the life of me can’t find where it is installed to. I see it is fully installed and flyable ingame, but in the Users->AppData->Roaming->packages->official folder I see lots of other aircraft stuff, but nothing for the 182. And the other purcahsed aircraft don’t have documentation folders there, so I think I’m looking into the wrong place? I wish this was clearer, but can anyone help? (Steam Installation)

Not sure about the Steam installation - but my Carendo aircraft are installed in the Official/Onestore folder, and not the community folder: C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore

Here’s a good clean copy of the POH

(MSFS Installation Folder)\Official\Steam\carenado-aircraft-ct182t-skylane-g1000\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado_CT182T_Skylane_G1000\Documentation

I wish the did the 182 Turbo RG version.

I’ve been flying mostly VR (if not entirely VR) for the most recent and not so recent, past. I just bought the Carenado C182T, my first Carenado product for MSFS 2020. I have to say that I have been enjoying the flight characteristics of it. The nose drops somewhat prounouncedly (but not too much) when the power comes off, and the glide down to the runway is different than the default C172, which I believe is neither bad nor good, just different enough to keep one on his or her toes for impending flare to touchdown. I’d say if you want another good plane for pattern practice (and more), give it a shot!


Carenado is always a PERFECT choice. Nothing wrong about any of their planes, I love these type of planes and their ongoing superb quality standard which is never letting down for years to immerse myself in the world of private general avionics.

Lets hope that Carenado will re-release one of their classics the Cessna 337 Skymaster some day, that`s one interesting and strange and unique plane to fly. Imagine flying the Skymaster with this new era of impressive FS2020 graphics quality, the fantastic rain drop graphics effects on the windshield and new enhanced flight physics… impressive…


They always manage to make an absolute mess of their camera views for some reason.


Yeah. I have 3 of theirs. It’s why I started using my second hat switch to move my “head” around, and the first hat to pan view. Works pretty well for my setup.

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The C182T has been criticized on this forum quite a bit, and I’ve been among the critics. I pulled it out of the hangar this week and made a short (less than two hours one way) flight just to get a feel for it once again.

I have to agree with the OP: the model flies and lands nicely. I have less time in the 182 in real life, but it “feels” heavier than the 172 does, which is pretty much what I remember.

The knock on this one is the sound set. Inside it sounds like a Waring Blender; outside sounds like a hornet’s nest. My memory of the 182 is more of a throaty baritone or bass, without the “Waring Blender” noise that this one has inside the cockpit.

My solution is to fly without the sound, and especially not with headphones. If Carenado updated/improved the sound set it would go a long way to making this one more fun to fly.

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Except for their doing a model of the Turbo Skylane 182 and not the Turbo Skylane RG. :slight_smile:

“I have less time in the 182 in real life, but it “feels” heavier than the 172 does, which is pretty much what I remember”

Well…the 172 (other than the Hawk XP) has a 4 banger for an engine and the 182 (and the 172 XP) have big ol’ 6 cylinder engines. :slight_smile:

The Hawk XP is a hoot to fly (in real life) if you get a chance. 200 horsepower wakes things up. But they are bit rare to find for rent as far as 172 rentals go.

Or a 177 Cardinal II RG, one of the prettiest Cessnas ever built.