Carenado PC-12

Apart from that, the SU 10 beta is already on the same level as SU 10 with maybe a few minor changes.

They’re not known for their communication, or their willingness to update things. The M20R and the C337 are actually pretty good, but they have some glaring bugs that so far Carenado haven’t bothered to address.

I’ll be waiting for the SWS iteration of the PC-12, and will personally be swerving this.


which are?

The Mooney became inexplicably underpowered after one of the last Sim Updates (I forget which one). The C337 has a long standing issue with one of the displays not fitting properly, and it being cut off at the bottom. The tablets also intermittently don’t work properly, at least on the Xbox (when I used to use it to play the sim).

And although it’s not a bug, the flight models when compared to other developers just aren’t that good.

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Released! On Xbox! Bought.

Happy flying. :+1:

Any first impression pls ?

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I agree about their looks, yes definitely. They’re probably one of the best, visually.

I just don’t particularly enjoy flying them, they feel wooden and stilted, like they’re on rails. I liked them on Xbox, and then when I switched to PC and got things like the Justflight Arrows, the 310R etc, I realised what you could do when you created a proper flight model. I think the Carenado Arrow is awful in comparison. Yes it’s not as expensive, as you rightly say. But you get what you pay for.

Unless you buy the MD-80, but that’s another thread haha.


In this case you definitely do. In other cases mentioned above you often don’t :slight_smile: But I agree: the JF Arrows are way better that the Mooney. I enjoy the Mooney anyway. :slight_smile:
The Bonanza is one of the examples of a really good plane for little money, and I also enjoy the flight model. It’s better than the one from BRSim and visually it’s just a work of art.

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Just some preflight check at the factory


They’ve done the PC-12 justice, visually, certainly. It’s a beautiful aircraft. The NGX version is probably my favourite turboprop.


I know someone who says exactly the same thing :slight_smile:


Just arrived at home base. It’s not the perfect (no circuit breaker and not every other switch is working, no checklist?). But it’s a different plane in my hangar and I will certainly fly it a lot.

Just purchased, time to go learn.

I just did my first flight with the PC-12, feels heavy and solid in the air, landing it was floating like forever ^^

I just got back from a trip flying the NGX so this should be fun to fly till I go back next week!


I really like the transparent headliner :see_no_evil:

Its also feels a bit underpowered and too slughish for a PC-12 from my Experinces with real PC-12. Its maybe because it a almost 30 year old variant.


4 blades float a lot and the 5 blade drops like a brick once you pull the pcl back. its crazy what one more blade does.


The NGX is the definitive turboprop, for me. I’d have it over any of the TBM’s.


How does this bird feel compared to the real thing?