Cessna 172 engine not starting

I try to start the Cessna 172 the same as I did in 2020, but the engine won’t start.
I can’t (or haven’t as of yet) discover where the checklist is for the procedure. Can anyone direct me toward a solution? Shouldn’t it start the same as it did in 2020? I get a red light on oil pressure.

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Are you talking about the C172 Classic (steam gauges) or C172 G1000 ?

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BAT on
Fuel Left/Right/or both
Mixture full
Fuel Pump on
ALT on
Magnetos start
Avionics Master in

Not sure about the definitive order, but these are the steps I do and it works. Plus lights and such, but engine starts without lights :wink:

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at home whether in career or free mode, as soon as I put the BAT ON the propeller already starts to turn with the noise of the engine and that, without even turning the ignition key…
Not a very realistic way of doing things, I think :thinking:

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Do you have a Thrustmaster TCA or similar? Maybe the engine knobs of the controller are in the On position already and cause ignition.

Yes I have a TCA, I will look into that indeed, it’s a track but the key mapping is such a nightmare… :wink:

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I can start the skyhawk G1000 but nothing the classic.


Known issue with the classic: Cessna 172 (Classic) - Electrical Systems Not Functioning

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No, I am using a CH Yoke and Pedals. I am flying the Cessna Skyhawk 1000 and I read here that: " Known issue with the classic: Cessna 172 (Classic) - Electrical Systems Not Functioning" Hmmm, is that a bug?

Tag cessna-172-skyhawk-g1000 added. The above link refers to a bug but with the classic version of the C172, not the G1000 one.

Nope, my engine still will not start. I’ve done this a billion times in MSFS 2020, no problem. I’m not that stupid…Is this a bug in my planes? If I start on the runway, engine already running. But that takes away from the realism. If I start parked, I can’t get any engine on any plane to start. And where are the flight notes?

The walk around procedure must be completed and all the exterior tags must be removed. So, walk around removing the red tags on the pilot side, remove the black hanging flag tied up on the wing, remove the red covers on the front of the engine, and don’t forget to remove the wheel chocks. Then enter the plane using the door or the shift c command. The plane will then start as usual. NOTE: You may find yourself unable to walk forward as this 172 spawns, that’s because you are up to the wheel or something. Try just hitting the “S” to back up a bit, then you will be free to walk. I hope that helps!


Same here. I have tried everything. Plus my perifial devices don’t work. This was a waste of $200

On the 172 G1000, in free mode, the engine fires ok, but will not rev over 250 RPM, and stalls after a few seconds.
This happens as well if I follow the checklist spes or hit Ctr-E…

So I can’t fly that plane. The 152 works OK…

Any solution ?

Forgot to say that in career mode it works all right with Ctr-E… Not tried the whole procedure.

It sounds like your engine cover has not been removed. Did you complete the walk around?

Yes ! I did all the steps ! even following the EFB checklists, the engine stalls approx 5 seconds after firing up… and same with Ctrl-E :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Make sure the fuel selector is in the middle position (both tanks) and there’s a red fuel cutoff button just above it and to the right that must be pushed in.

Also, make sure the mixture lever is all the way in and the throttle all the way out, or only slightly pushed in.

I did all that. I am not a beginner and even have ben a real private pilot some years ago…

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The only other suggestion I have then is to delete and do a full reinstall. Perhaps your plane model is corrupted somehow. It works fine for me. It’s pretty much the only plane I fly.