Changing Bing Maps!

back to New Bing Maps today, Feb. 28, 2024, 3:18AM UTC

I’ve been working on and off within the devkit, and noticed that this issue seems to be more prevalent after the last two updates. I’m under the impression that MSFS is auto-prioritizing imagery based off of the surrounding imagery tiles. The imagery coloration changes as differing seasons come and go (which makes sense as foliage coloration matches the time of year). However, if the surrounding area hasn’t received newer imagery to reflect the seasonal coloration, it might be defaulting to the older imagery to provide a better imagery “blend” between imagery tiles. I’m not sure if that’s how imagery tiles within MSFS is coded, so this is just my speculation. I haven’t been able to narrow down a method to properly back my statement, but will post updates if I do find one.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes. Unable to reproduce it as it seems to happen on it’s own.

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Multiple iterations of satellite imagery for one location. At one point I’ve seen three different satellite images for one location within a 4 hour time-span. Seems to be randomized each time I load up MSFS. I’ve tried clearing caches, changing data settings, and changing graphics settings without being able to replicate it.

Location & Time of Occurrence:

KSMS, KDLC, 51J, and 44SC in SC, USA

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

51J Airport example. The second image contained imagery that I’ve only seen once, and wasn’t able to bring it back again. I’ve been able to confirm that the second image is the latest imagery available for Bing.


Basically, unknown to us and to the community, there are two different Bing maps that are randomly (as far as we know, but Asobo knows for sure) selected/chosen depending on a day/time of the week! Before, there was consistently one Bing map and never changed. The new Bing map is not done right and buildings do not necessarily fall in the right locations. Also, since the base is still the old Bing maps, you can see the blocks of new Bing maps loading in the sim as they do, while this is seamless when old Bing map is loaded. There are other issues with the new Bing maps as it messes up airport textures (old planes showing on the map, etc.). Hope someone clarifies what is happening, if there is a fix for this …


How this only has 22 votes when it is so fundamental compared to trivial things with hundreds I will never understand.


I think a lot of people don’t notice it! That’s the problem! In a lot of places the change is so small that people don’t know it’s a new/old Bing map! In Iran there have been fundamental changes in streets, airports, etc. and the old Bing maps were very old for the area so the change is very very significant and noticeable!

I hope more people will report this.

To me the saddest part is, Asobo not acknowledging this! Do they have two Bing maps or not? When did that come about and why? How are they planning to address it?

Oh man, thanks for bringing this to everybody’s attention. I haven’t noticed this issue directly yet, but with all the work I’ve been doing in the World Hub, I wonder if that will be affected by realignments. Scary if so.

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I submitted this as a question for the next Live Developer Stream, which is planned for March 13th. Please feel free to submit a similar question so they appreciate the importance of this and its implications.

This is a reminder that this thread is meant to serve as a bug topic, not a discussion topic. If you are experiencing this issue, please feel free to report your findings using the following template. In addition, if you find workarounds or processes that helped resolve the bug for you, please feel free to post about it, as it may help the team’s investigation. Outside of this, please use an existing or new topic in the appropriate Discussion Hub or User Support Hub to discuss/assist others with this bug. All other posts will be removed.

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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New Bing Maps - March 4, 2024

New Bing Maps - March 5, 2024

Old Bing Maps have been in place since March 6th! Perhaps Asobo realized the issue with two Bing maps? I will keep monitoring this …

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Unfortunately that was not the case yesterday, although this morning, UK time, we have the old maps again.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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I’m doing some FPS testing at KLAX and after a reboot of the sim, the Bing image has changed on the World Map.

Location & Time of Occurrence:

KLAX 10MAR2024 @ 12:31-12:49 Local time. PC’s physical location is California.

I saw this exact same scenario at KLAX twice. Once, last night, 09MAR2024 @ ~20:00. Today, I was prepared for it and took an initial screenshot in case it occurred again, which it did.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

This screenshot was taken at 12:31. Note the aircraft at the highlighted gate and the large aircraft on the taxiway immediately south:

This screenshot was take at 12:49. Note the aircraft is no longer at the same highlighted gate and the large aircraft on the taxiway is also no longer there:


It changed again. This screenshot is taken at 13:41 after another sim reboot.


The new Bing Maps are back for me today! March 10, 2024, 6PM pacific time. I had old Bing Maps from March 6th through Yesterday and I got new Bing maps today!

Similarly for me - after a good spell with several days of old Bing maps, I have had nothing but the new maps from the start of 11th March, and still as of now, 4PM GMT 12 March.

Is anyone from the development team, who have posted above that they are monitoring this thread, yet able to shed any light on why this very irritating bug continues to randomly strike.


Old Bing maps today, March 13, 2024

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Yesterday as I flew around the Kitzbüheler Horn near LOIJ I noticed a baked in 747 leaving contrails on the side of the mountain, as well as some clouds that were also baked into the scenery. Today I repeated the flight and the scenery that is currently shown on Bing Maps website was displayed in the sim. No 747 baked into the side of the mountain.

Location & Time of Occurrence:

12/03/24 and 13/03/24

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Replying to my old post for additional context.

On the 11th and 12th, I had the most recent imagery for all sampled spots within the US (to include the areas that I’ve previously seen old imagery).

As of the update today, it’s reverted back to the old imagery.

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14/03/24 - the baked in jet is once again appearing on the side of the Kitzbüheler Horn near LOIJ. It 100% was not there yesterday, the satellite imagery was totally different.

Yesterday the imagery was that which is shown on bing maps satellite view. Today - who knows where it is coming from, but it’s not bing maps satellite view!


Maybe you found modern Nazca lines.

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