Started taking off and immediately did a barrel roll into the ground. Checked the sensitivity screen and saw this neat pattern
That be fun, but I just crash to desktop on the loading screen with the current update.
Mine looked completely different, but still just as broken.
What were they thinking with this change?! I had no idea they were tweaking it, so I didn’t even have time to grab my old sensitivity settings before the forced update. Now the A320 just feels so off to me. On the ground, in the air, it’s just not enjoyable to fly at all anymore. I don’t know how they manage to bork the sim after every update. It boggles the mind…
Asobo, please bring back the old sensitivity screen and settings!
Working much better here. The response curve is far more adjustable, with much more control than the previous simple exponential curves.
I do like the concept of the new adjustment, just that it came as a surprise. One thing I wish we could adjust is where the curve ends. Any input at the ends is insanely sensitive, at least with my input scheme. You can adjust sensitivity, however the curve always takes a death plunge at the end that spells disaster if you move the input into that region
Unless you’re doing aerobatics, or some other form of aggressive maneuvering, you probably won’t be in the steep, sensitive section of the curve. That is, unless your trim technique is poor.
I think it varies by controller type. With this joystick I’m using, I’d say nearly 50% of my available physical range of motion is in the “normal” zone. Anything beyond that is an exponential intensity reflected in the sensitivity curve. It’s hard when switching planes as each one seems to require different settings for their respective sweet spots. It would be nice to basically decrease the entire curve by some %
For a joystick, I found that -40 on all axis is about perfect with most of the planes.
I had a very similar behaviour. Seems the migration from the old sensitivities to the new format with the current patch is … not perfect
had the similar experience, at VR i pulled back on the stick and its not going up; i did not pull a bit more coz im afraid i’d tail strike.
i check my sensitivity settings and its all changed.
This caught me out too, which Dev decided having that much deadzone/low sensitivity was a good idea?!
A huge amount of progress for my couple of thrumaster
I think the sensitivity issue is something bigger than just tuning input sensitivity.
That’s why I created a new thread in the “bugs & issues” section.
If you are annoyed by it as well, go on and vote it up!
For me I can now fly the C172 without changing the new default sensitivity setting and without tweaking the flighttuning.cfg. A huge improvement!