Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

i agree with you
forgive me asobo, but this is enough

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Yep - 3rd time this has happened to me know in the last 2 days - something is going on. Hopefully we will get some insight into what is going on soon


I’m getting so tired of this, totally unacceptable


Add me to the list, I can’t get into MSFS. Even tried a VPN, nothing works.

it’s a huge issue…people can’t enter even into the main menu


I have followed the recommended steps to resync date/time and this doesn’t resolve the issue. This is the 4th time in 2 days this has occurred. I had one successfully restart but the rest stay stuck on checking updates 10 min or greater… still waiting.


there has to be a way to skip this screen. this is so frustrating

Ok I understand your point. you’re right. however the problem persists. and well Asobo is clearly the face of the video game. Therefore, they should call whoever is responsible for solving this problem that affects many. I have also not seen a serious official statement that says they are working on it or an efficient solution.

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Same here! I even did all the steps… stuck on this screen again…

Mine has been doing the same thing since our SU 15 update we just got. just hangs on screen with white circle partially filled, checking for updates, and will stay frozen like that for at least an hour in my tests, don’t want to burn in my display.

Timezone thing did not fix it.

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people randomly was successfull to enter the main menu after the date sync…and by mistake it was interpreted like a solution…but the sync walkaround has nothing to do with this issue

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Same problem for me. I can’t even go to the main menu of the simulator because everything is stuck on checking for updates. If restarting the simulator helped before, it doesn’t work now! Still stuck checking for updates! If restarting my computer used to help, now it doesn’t work, the simulator still gets stuck checking for updates! If previously it helped to log out and login into the X-Box account and the Microsoft Store account, now it doesn’t work! The simulator gets stuck checking for updates over and over again! The simulator has now become completely unplayable! Why was it necessary to release Sim Update 15 if the problem of checking for updates was not solved???

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Are you kidding me. 6 restarts and still not successful. I’ll see them in Vegas soon. This will be one of my first questions. MSFS/Asobo plenty of question headed your way. glad i will be able to discuss face to face.


This is now the 2nd major outage in less than a week - for an organization that is selling basically a cloud based service this really should be a wake up call that service is no longer reliable. Eventually this will impact FS 2024 if they cant be up 99.999% of the time.


Yeah, I really don’t understand the silence on that. When this flight simulator is running properly, it’s absolutely amazing and I love it.

Interestingly enough, I got a 600MB update earlier today when I first went to open it and go through the initial setup of the controls for the FBW A32NX that I had finally decided to give it a try after painting it. Performance of the sim wasn’t very good in a quick test flight after setting up the controls so I went to just restart everything, and bam…the eternal update check.

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Welcome to the club! )))

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Voted. Was working fine yesterday. Today no longer works. No new addons or anything of the like. Just stuck on checking for updates.


Me too, No way into the sim regardless of resets etc…


same for me…it was acceptable yesterday…today is the tenth time in 10 min after pressing alt f4 in the last 15 min…no chance to enter the main menu
i repeat the tenth time…previously like said in a post by another user, i was able to enter by disconnecting and reenter in the MS store…now it’s impossible…all blocked and stuck

Fiddler is showing that MSFS is constantly trying to post the following request to PlayFabAPI, which is all returning an error

Message=The script called a PlayFab API, which returned an error. See the Error logs for details.
at Object.server_request (Script:181:24)
at entity.ValidateEntityToken (Script:656:76)
at handlers.GetContentDownloadUrlViaCloudscriptV2 (2FB7C-main.js:421:44)
at Object.invokeFunction (Script:117:33)


Looks like a potential authentication issue with the PlayFab API w̶i̶t̶h̶ a̶ 3̶r̶d̶ p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶, however this should not be any excuse to prevent people from launching the simulator with all due respect. There needs to be graceful error handling for issues like this

EDIT: @bigcow74 called out that PlayFab is an Azure API, thanks for the correction