Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

I’m stuck on “Checking for updates” again… I did the update this morning and now I’m stuck again. After 20 minutes of download at 2/3 MB/s the simulator starts but at 75% of loading a CTD occurs… all this is outrageous… seriously

EDIT: now unstucked, but at the end of loading a CTD happens on the sim main screen

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Everything worked fine for me on four prior loads of the sim over the course of the day today, but now stuck again.

“You’re killin’ me, Smalls!”

EDIT: And now un-stuck and loading the rest of the way …


Another day, another ‘Checking for updates’ I guess I got the Groundhog Day Edition !
Edit - It got past the updates screen after leaving it there for 10 mins.

I just push the Xbox button, than quick resume. After it ages of loading screen, but it works for me. Maybe than a game reboot is advisable.

unbelievable… more workarounds than playing

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I was fine all day with the checking for updates until the one a few minutes ago - stuck on checking for updates - and looking at the task manager similar to above where there was meter download but nothing happening. I windowed in and ‘X’ and close after about 10 mins…then just restarted and got right in. One other thing - right now I cannot download anything from the content manager - says pending but nothing happens - wonderful.

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I’ve just started getting this issue, out of the blue…so to speak.
Two days in a row. Doesn’t bode well for an even more cloud dependent product such as MSFS 2024. If I stop it via Steam and retry it might eventually get past it and load on the 4th or 5th go, or not. Not a great UX or CX there Microsoft.

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I’m getting this issue as well. I have to force quit the sim and reload. It always works on the second time (so far)

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No hanging at update check, but main menu won’t load and the map is a blurry mess.

Other than an ongoing cyber attack what is messing this up for weeks (or is it years?) with no solution

Still trying, get past updates but now map and flying are useless
81 minutes wasted so far this morning

Flying at 06:40, it went back to hanging at the update check, and I know how to get it to work when that happens.

Map sluggish but loading, flying good,
Edinburgh aye,
Tokyo discovery flight very dense and detailed.
And then it freezes on the exit screen, bar almost across

It reeks of a DDoS attack

Or more likely, a major configuration screwup that has propagated across the cluster of Microsoft Azure cloud servers responsible for the sim’s data streaming, content delivery and authentication services.

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What seems to work eventually is ALT+F4 and just trying again. After the 4th or 5th try I’ve always been able to get in (sometimes it works first try even).

It’s probably some server issue, maybe the load balancer puts you to a bad/poisoned server instance and things break by chance.

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That’s quite the humble brag. (Perfectly justified, I might add!) :wink:

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After more than a month of problems with “checking for updates” I would like to share with you my experience in this regard.

Yesterday, tired of everything and having problems with A320 V2,… it did not appear in the aircraft selection, besides the time and ALT+F4 to restart MSFS.

Uninstall MSFS completely.
I deleted all related folders, and started a new installation.
I reinstalled all the content in “content manager”. The first boot did not appear the famous “checking for upsates”, but my A320 V2 did not appear in aircraft selection.
I was very scared.

Either way, I took down MSFS again. And when I start Checking for updates again.
This time, to take my pet to the veterinarian, I left it without stopping.

I wasn’t there for more than an hour, and when I arrived, MSFS was on the home screen and my A320 V2 was available.

I’ve been starting, shutting down, and modifying MSFS for more than seven hours.
At the moment the famous checking for updates no longer appears.
My conclusions are:

Never kill the process by checking for updates with ALT+F4.
If MSFS detects any irregularities in the file system, review the complete installation…

Process in bandwidth in the Flight Simulator.exe process is so big.
If it detects anomalies, it resolves them.
We are talking about 563 GB of a complete installation. It is normal for it to be delayed for a long time.

Today I explain to you what, so far, has worked for me and I wanted to share it with you.
I hope I have helped everyone.


A effort of 7 hours to completely uninstall then reinstall the entire sim? Oh my… to fix a problem that was not your problem. Well I won’t be reinstalling the sim in an effect to fix the issue. It is suspected that the issue is “in the very cloudy sky”, so to speak, from either the server checks comparing the information in the cloud to what you are supposed to have in your sim or perhaps it is their server capacity or bandwidth… No one is saying, but in any event, today it is working other than the blue line moving/loading very slowly, but got passed the "Checking for Updates " part fairly fast… so go figure… but then server load/demand is not that high right now as it is quiet time around the world… (We’ll see later tonight).

What I don’t like is that to the left, that this topic has been solved! To what end? MS or asobo have not said one word on what the problem is or if they have rectified the issue or if/what an official work around might be, that is if they have not yet fixed the issue, so am standing by for further advice (and will report any further stuck on “Checking for Updates” issues or any other conditions that affect the smooth loading of this sim.


Very well said. My thoughts exactly.

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Hello @nbrich1,

My colleagues @Chewwy94 and @BoomUga have posted several possible workarounds that have reportedly worked for some players here, here, here, here, and here.

We have also created a forum survey to help us gather more information about who is experiencing this issue (and also who is not experiencing it) so we can try to find a common root cause.

We have tagged this post as the “Solution” so that it will appear embedded in the top post of the topic and direct more people to the survey. We’re aware the issue is not resolved yet, but unfortunately the only way the forum software allows us to embed a post within the OP so that it shows up at the top of the thread is to mark it as the “Solution”.

We understand the Checking For Updates issue is very frustrating to those who are experiencing it. We have logged this issue in our system, escalated it internally, and we have people working to fully resolve it. We will share more information with you when it is available.



Your finding is neglected by the many users where two, three Alt + F4 cycles in a row suddenly results in MSFS passing by this nasty «check for updates» screen in less than a sacond. Which is, btw., the normal timeframe no matter how many addons are installed…

Don’t restart–that doesn’t always work. What seems to be more reliable is to disconnect your internet and then reconnect again. When internet is lost, checking for updates switches to think it needs the last micro update. Then when connection is restored, it will switch to a 0 byte update and you can continue. The loss of network followed by a reconnect seems to unstick whatever is causing the problem.

Doesnt do anything when i disconnect. The wheel just spins and checking for update screen persists.

Thanks Seedy… Have not found any exceptions on my pc and have done all of the troubleshooting workarounds as per from clock to store/xbox resets etc etc…

… yesterday… all through the day continuous issues getting stuck on “Checking for Updates” … this morning…no issue… but will try again in a couple of hours…