Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

Never had the issue in Beta or after running it since SU15 released until today. Closed the sim out through task manager and it started fine the next time. Will see if I get any more, and then try the “three cycles” recommendation to see what happens.

guys and gals… forget it… its completely random… all we can do is answer the poll and wait for it to be fixed… thats how it is


Are you disconnecting via software or hardware? I’m on a wireless connection, so I’m just turning airplane mode on/off.

I’m not trying to get it solved.
I am simply explaining my experience.
If you are able to understand the reason for things and find ways to solve them, that is what I try to contribute.
Those of us who come from FSX and all its drawbacks know how to understand the system and try to contribute to the community.
We old simmers have more resolution capacity than just filling out Bug reports to see if someone can solve it.
And make no mistake, you have the problem.
Try to do your part and don’t close yourself off to opinions that work for some people.
At least for me, and I wanted to share it.

Cheers my friend.


12 hours more… No problems with Checking for update.
For your information.

Three times today I started the sim each time I got the checking for updates but only for 8 seconds big improvement on previous times

I think it must be dependent upon which server we connect to, as I’ve had another issue-free day today, albeit with only a couple of MSFS starts.

Maybe I’ll put a lottery ticket on, for the next draw. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello friends. First, thank you all for the efforts on so many issues and solutions I found here. After four years of using MSFS 2020 and reading posts on the forum, this issue is so but sooo annoying that it motivated me to activate my account to post.

The workaround mentioned above as a given solution is snake oil, nothing more nor less. The reality is Asobo is launching a new version 2024 and SU 15 was the worst of all updates. I don’t dare to say if it’s on purpose, however, I always follow the facts (and the money). And the fact it is not stable and graphics are now much (but really) much worse than previous version. Big mistake I made (maybe there is a relation or not) was sign up for Beta 15, never worked like before after that even deleting cloud services and starting from zero. Truth is, nothing in SU 15 is worth, maybe a few FPS which I already have with right settings; the A320 free version is much deeper and better, not to mention the paid one - to justify months of excuses and delay. For this? Asobo should simply give up and used that time for the next one. And last but not least, I tried absolutely everything. I did a clean install and even without addons, the problem persists, especially for me in GMT +3, specifically around 6-9 PM. To me it seems overload servers.

The problem? The lack of transparency, I lost my time, nights and got insane by days tring new installs and thats for nothing, the problem is not with my or your systems.

Probably (and they won’t admit it) cost-cutting or server issues. All this to make my point and conclude (sorry for being lengthy): it is a shame that a user who invested more than $1000 on items and the game still depends on internet validation.

I want to thank you Asobo, because of that I first time download and payed for X Plane. Not as good on graphic side, however run whenever I want it to run as should be.

I was also considering to buy 2024 and the next ones, update my laptop to RTX 4080, but all for what? This? I could not look my self on the mirror if I was responsible for this update, SU 14 was plenty stable and Inibuilds I delete with satisfaction.


The people with this problem are here reporting it.
There are many, many others who do not have this problem. (like myself)

The real question is what is common with the people having this problem.
Is there anything?


One of the best things when reporting about any type of connection issue, that helps, is to include your location. I too do not experience this in NW USA. I have noticed there are a lot of connectivity issues in Europe followed by other locations - for those that do report.


Or maybe many people do not run at the busy time. As said, I noticed it run fine by day, and badly by early night. As I mostly flight by night when I have more time, then things became more complicated. And sorry few minor English mistakes above, not my first language. My location is South America and do experience a lot (mostly 7~9 PM).


It’s server related. Nothing changed on my system, it’s been fine, then suddenly it hangs in a part of the loading process that’s tada server related.
I doubt it also has anything to do with SU15, which I used from the first beta release with no issues (apart from beta noted bugs, none of which were showstoppers).

Whether the server issues are FS Expo related (as some are positing) is pure conjecture. It could be due to any part of the infra being toyed with for whatever reasons, as it spans multiple divisions in MS - not just XBox/MSFS.

It’s like Windows 11 updates. Generally they are ok, but now and again you’ll get a clunker that immediately results in BSOD’s (as happened recently with KB5035853). It would be great if that didn’t happen, but unfortunately this is complex stuff and it does from time to time.



There is absolutely no truth behind any conspiracy theories about Microsoft and Asobo deliberately causing this issue as some kind of backhanded promotion of the upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. We have support teams actively investigating what is causing this and are working to bring you a solution.

In the meantime, if you’d like to help, please complete the survey we created if you have not already done so. This issue is inconsistent and not impacting everyone equally. For example, I personally do not experience it at all. I launch MSFS multiple times every day, and each time it has launched normally (note: I have a regular install on my personal home PC and Xbox Series X; I’m not using any kind of special internal employee build). We are trying to determine what the people who are experiencing this issue have in common so we can figure out the root cause and then resolve it.



To clarify, (at least) I did not say anything about conspiracy, what I said and will say again it strongly seems traffic/server issue.

However and coincidentally, worst graphics does not help to Asobo cause. Tragedy is MSFS one day could easily be the best home sim ever made, but the day is NOT TODAY.

MS should allow users run it without conection services and pass that screen. In future I will consider makes no sense to me pay a lot in another version to risk servers shut down some day.


Back to the same hanging at updates again.

Any idea on when or if ever this will be fixed???

Been on the sim a year and it’s still messing up the same way.

Waiting to fly….

06:11 working again, all good, wx and detail.

SO, It seems that (For me) something HAS changed.

On startup
(1) It takes significantly longer to LOG IN
(2) before main Splash Screen and the traditional “checking for updates”, there is a new, long lasting “Checking for update” in the bottom part of the app screen
(3) The Splash Screen checking for updates is still there, but only lasts for about 10 seconds, not 10 hours .

It was not like this before SU15, even in SU15 beta.

But now, I guess we can just be so grateful, that at least finally, the sim loads, even if it takes much longer than it use to month ago.


Weird how hit-or-miss this issue is. A couple days ago (as I reported above), I had the issue a few times. I have not had it since. In fact, I have only actually seen the “Checking for updates” screen once since, for about 10 seconds. The rest of the time (including several launches of the sim throughout the day yesterday) I didn’t see it at all - the page flashed up and was gone before I even noticed, then straight into the usual (still too long) loading screen.


The massive drop off in user numbers this past week should also indicate that this issue is much more widespread than what users are reporting here, we only have SteamDB to go by but there’s a definite downward trend in users, go take a look. This issue could well be a factor for this.


if it load,get this even today,but yes loading is much longer :wink:

Meh. “Lies, ■■■■ lies and statistics …” Looking at a 1 week trend - in the middle of a work week and in summer in the northern hemisphere (which is NOT peak gaming season) - is not useful. The 1 year trend is pretty steady.

And of course, this is Steam only. Many (most?) simmers are playing through the MS Store on either PC or XBox, and those numbers are not public. So drawing conclusions from a very small set of users across a very small number of days is not particularly useful.

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