Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

Yeah, also in Brazil and have the same…

It’s clearly not related to someone’s computer, internet or whatever you blame. It’s on Microsobo side.

No workaround described here will fix it because it’s not on our side. Devs will take three to four months ‘investigating’ - i.e. doing nothing - just to find out what everybody here is telling them for weeks.


This is still happening to me, despite doing the recommended date/time sync.

Still the same symptoms - stuck on “Check for Updates” screen with the computer downloading something at full speed. When I exit the sim, downloading stops immediately.

Luckily for me, a restart usually cures it, and the sim normally runs ok, so it is still an irritant rather than a game-stopper. Unfortunately it is one of many irritants I have to learn to live with - for example Asobo have made it clear they are not going to fix the “Missing Ready To Fly” bug in VR (87 votes) which also requires a restart. I really can’t look forward to FS2024 knowing these bugs are most likely unresolved, with more probably being added.


I think “checking for updates” can often be a red herring leading us in the wrong direction.

If you are still really stuck with it then go to your “packages” folder - “official” - “onestore” and delete ALL the folders with the most recent date (this will often be todays date, but not always).

Sim should start in most cases without having to do a full reinstall.

Every start i get stuck on checking for updates simply cancelling it and restarting usually clears it.
Syncing makes no difference

The suggested solution at the top worked for me, though the quickest way for me on my W10 is to
Right-click the time and date display on your toolbar
Click Adjust Date and Time from the top of the menu
Click Sync Now button

mine hadn’t been sync’d for a couple of days.

I suspect the actual bug is in the MSFS code checking for updates - a variance of a few seconds between the server and your PC being enough to put it into a hard loop continually retrieving the same file date and time info.

and this is a one time deal?? or you have to do it everyday?

One time if you click "Set time Automatically’.

Nope, I’ve got Set time Automatically checked…but for some reason Windows doesn’t always do it…

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My guess is that’s the root cause. File timestamp comparison down to the second instead of allowing at least a 1 hour delta. Poor coding, if true, and could be easily remedied.

i wonder why need the time the same??? it can check licence and all…

I started it this morning just fine, after cloding it and coming back to it later on got stuck in checking for updates no matter what i did, time is synced and my connection is good, even flushed dns and nothing.

As I said, in my case it is a irritant, not occuring every time but needing a restart when it does occur. Seeing the unfortunate results many others have had after trying to “fix” such problems, I for one am certainly not going to risk deleting folders. Half a loaf is better than none.

If you have not changed any of the FS2020 folders, I would:

  1. Save your UserCfg.opt file. And any mods.
  2. Delete your UserCfg.opt file.
  3. Run FS2020. It will assume this is a new install.
    And will download the Launcher to your C: (boot) drive. (2 GB)
  4. The installer will display the install screen.
  5. Tell it where your “Installed Packages” are located.
    If you have them on another drive/folder rather than the default.
  6. It will download/install any missing/corrupted folders/files.
  7. After the install finishes, replace your saved
    UserCfg.opt file and saved mods.

Without any missing/corripted folders/files, it will take around 3 minutes.

Stuck in the update screen happens to me too regularly the last week (approx 1 of 5 starts). I made a new MSFS installation before SU15 to Start as clean as possible. I have a full backup of a just finished Su15 installation and I clean my scenery cache regular, when swapping large sceneries or mods, and exclude my community folder.
In short, I know how to maintain my System and how to analyze problems and solve them.
This is 100% on the developer side. This never happened in this rate before SU15. When I’m patient, I give the update screen about 2 min to give me some feedback, well I’m not so Patient any more like I used to be when starting MSFS.
What I do when MSFS is stuck:I switch to Task manager and kill the MSFS process. I’m every time anxious that it screws things up, as I’m also monitoring how much traffic is involved. Well up to now, after around 20 times doing this, MSFS start after it regular. Fingers crossed.
No program or game, that I have used before, behaves so unpredictable(I have stopped reporting and counting how many times UI elements are missing and prevent me to start a flight…).

Ladies and gentlemen (drumroll):
Welcome to AI cloud gaming!


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Well every time there is a mandatory update my game crashes on loading. EVERY time. Then I have to spend 24 hours reinstallling.

I’ve noticed lately I’ve had to go into the xbox app and use the support/repair tool multiple times to get it going. As soon as I see that hang on updates for more than 10 seconds I go back out and run it again.

the time sync thing appears to have fixed the problem for me
so far its looking good

MB battery?

Well fancy that. Its back!!! Checking for updates and no further. What are Asobo and Microsoft doing???


Sounds like something is messing with the files that shouldn’t, corrupting them in the process. Antivirus program? Windows security settings? Faulty Ram? Faulty hard drive?