I don’t understand this suggestion. I can’t see any files in the official folder that have been changed since 28/05 which is presumably when SU15 was installed.
Am on Steam rather than MS Store, but can’t see why that would make any difference.
This seems to be correct. Restarting the sim seems to work every time, at least for me. If you do the clock-syncing thing, you’re restarting the sim anyway.
Also remember that the amount of addon folders was what triggered the issue in the past (before first server fix). One user discovered that 1024 folders (Official + Community) was the apparent limit at that time at least. Above that limit server started to hang while managing the requests from clients with so many addons. Below that limit the loops were passed fine.
I don’t know if this is still the case now but anyway that info is in the forum, so you can try. Game with official content contains around 800 folders nowadays, just to give you an idea of where we are. But I have 2000 folders now and I don’t see any issues. Anyway in the past I could confirm that such limit was a real one and removing addons to stay below it always worked well while adding just one extra folder always triggered the error.
On PC, under the user name at the top you click on it, then on support. I have to keep running the repair tool. If the repair tool button is missing(and only has a support hyperlink that doesn’t really work), I have to uninstall and reinstall the XB app, XB game services, and XB Live and reinstall XB App. If you don’t search through installed apps and remove all three, then XB app will hang and won’t let you reinstall.
I have to see later if there’s some dumb manual update or something I’m missing, it just keeps doing this every several days. On my other computer, it’s just fine. On the MSFS computer I have all the typical MSFS windows speed/optimization ‘hacks’, so not sure if that’s causing it.
This all started a couple weeks ago and there’s tons of posts about hanging on checking for updates or the game load bar creeping to full and failing to launch(the game actually completely stops in that instance and task manager will show it at 0%).
Also stuck on loading screen, after having initial "license can not be checked’ error message, so I had to login in Xbox app first.
Happening a little too much to my liking, these kind of silly connection problems again and again.
My XB would do it too sometimes(MSFS only). At one point I had to re-install the offline files so I could toggle online/offline. Usually when it would hang on XBOX, I would log in and out of everything. If it were really stubborn I’d log in/out of every MS account on my computers too.
I’ll tell you what I never do and that’s reinstall the game. I don’t think that ever fixes much of anything and is a crazy waste of time. Unless you went into the files on PC and corrupted something, I have no idea how that would fix anything, unless it accidentally fixed what the real issue was in the process.
There’s definitely some gaming services/XB app bug in the system somewhere.
thanks, just faced that issue and this fixed on my end too, I installed recently two aircraft and were not in my addonlinker folder yet but directly in community folder, booted the sim like a charm once I removed them…
It was a good opportunity to bring them in my addon linker folder, linked them to the sim, the “update loop” didn’t show up after that
Same issue here, synced the time on my Windows and it launched once. The second time I tried it’s stuck on checking for updates screen again. Definitely something wrong on their side, do not uninstall the sim.