We all agreed that Ai traffic should be improved (not enough airliners in big airport, wrong airlines for each airport), etc…
…but one thing also annoying is the label on top of the few airplanews flying…destination is always “GEN”, than it says origin and airline + flight number…how about also having the chance to select (as for instance in P3Dv4) other features such as altitude, heading, speed, etc??
Fully behind this! Would be great to be able to select whether to display other information including heading, altitude, distance from you, speed, destination/departure airport, tail number, flight number etc. Just to customise it so that you could pick between some of those would be great!
For multiplayer aircraft it would be great to have some of this too - particularly how far away from you they are! Impossible to really tell this at the moment.
I would also love to find out if there is a way to change the information on nameplates. Like adding origin and destination (e.g. EGLL-EDDF) and aircraft type (e.g. A321) instead of the generic AIRBUS, which doesn’t tell me much!