Churches - add to each village / city

Almost every village or small city has one or several churches. Its location is correctly known by the map, so wha they are not presented in the MS? Villages and cities are very sad without it, as well as its VFR profile lacks it very bad.
Just make several small/medium churches templates and add it there regarding the shape.

It may add realism in YOUR part of the world, but would be unrealistic in OTHERS. Where i live, Icehockey arenas, gas stations and shopping malls are way more prevalent than churches, synagogues or mosques.


He did say “known by the map”, which means that if in your area there aren’t as many on the map, there wouldnt be as many placed in MSFS.


maybe your right, in Europe there is a church (or several of them) in almost each village and city, so yes, this is for Europe really bad to have it without them.
I as real PPG pilot see huge difference when VFR under known locations, without churches, from far visible buildings, the village/city profile suffers a lot.


Yea in the US this would be the equivalent of Water Towers with the city name on them. Handy and Ubiquitous.

I am pretty sure that the algoritms on azure from Blakshark can make a distinction between the several regional differences. They do so with the houses too. So placing water towers in the USA and churches in Europe and mosques in Arabia should be no problem.


Little towns across the US have lots of churches in them, too, so the best thing is to have the AI put the kinds of buildings that are on the map. Maybe Bing will get more street views across the world too, so it can make better choices.

Yea but our little churches just look like buildings with a little steeple on em, in europe they’re distinctive because a lot of them are hundreds of years old.

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We have lots of different kinds not just buildings with a steeple on.

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No, I’m in Europe, a church in every village here in the Nordics, especially the larger ones and up, would be unrealistic (church attendance isn’t exactly going up and some are sold off as housing), even more so in the Middle east, Africa or Asia. And there is the question of architecture, Asian houses look like they are any random western city, variation please.

There are other things that Asobo can prioritize (since it’s is A single building in each town and not many) and add to the scenery without breaking realism: Oil tankers, proper highways, Harbor cranes that don’t look like lego blocks, Taxiways that isn’t green, parked freight ships, shopping malls, hockey arenas, more differentiated night lighting, worn landingstrips etc.

I’m sure churches can be on the list at some point but i wouldn’t say it’s a priority over everything else. Some more different architecture would be time better spent adding for immersion/realism.

The point of churches is that they stick up above the trees nicely and can be seen from farther away, so they make nice landmarks.

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Leave the religion and the politics, etc. If people demanding churches then soon we will have people demanding moskees and synagogues. Then people demanding other stuff and other stuff. It’s tiresome.

Just fly and enjoy what you get. Using satellite maps to use ingame is already innovative.

I just see one post (yours) bringing religion and politics into it.


Churches / mosques / synagogues are great references for VFR flights, as well as water towers, radio/tv/cell phone towers, high voltage power lines, train bridges (also missing). It’s a flight sim after all. At least we have windmills and power lines are sort of visible by the straight lines cut out of forests.

It’s weird flying around in Russia and not have any colorful onion domes as reference points.


My impression is, tha almost all high-rise landmark buildings are missing or being replaced by “standard cubes”, e.g. all skyscrapers in Frankfurt are just placeholders including the TV-Radio-Broadcast-Tower… and churches are even worst: a flat image on the ground with no height at all. I wonder why - because Google maps 3D can do much better!

So even after the update there are no churches added only a less than a handful of updates for belgium

At overboelare airport all the surrounding churches are missing or are totally converted to apartment buildings this is especially one of the greatest downlets for me because these are really needed for vfr flights same goes for the netherlans

While I think the AI scenery generation is pretty impressive I think there are improvements that could be made. There are no churches generated, at least not that I have seen. While some churches might be difficult to distinguish from above I would have thought it would be possible to train the AI to recognise churches that have grave yards.

I think this relatively small improvement would make a big difference to the realism of the AI generated scenery.


There is another option. They said in the video interview, a few days ago, that they have a team from ORBX working with them. Well, ORBX already has churches, farm buildings, bridges, landmarks, appropriate building types and heights, and improved airports for the whole of the UK. Can this not data not be blended into the sim, along with models?

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It would certainly be good to include more models of landmarks and significant buildings, but there are so so many around the world. So while I can see things like Cathedrals getting added over time, it’s unlikely to be done for every village church.

The benefit of improving the AI, is that everywhere that doesn’t have custom models/3d data available gets better. I don’t think this is an either/or thing though.

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Well, those are pay products for Orbx, so they’re not going to give them away. IDK how accurate their church models etc are, but if they could be seeded into the AI for proper placement, that would be nice. :small_airplane: :smiley_cat: