Churches - add to each village / city

Agreed. I just would look forward to the UK VFR experience being improved. Sad to say at the moment, after more than 130 hours flight time in the new sim, there are still aspects of True Earth and Global products that provide me with a greater sense of fidelity over the UK than we are currently seeing in the new simulator. I do expect we shall see this improve, and I will be personally delighted when it does.

I get the feeling you would indeed not see JV giving these things away for free. And who could blame him? However, it seems to me the existence of an already optimized structure database should be sufficient incentive for either a joint venture (another jv!!) between ORBX and Asobo/Microsoft, or the development of an ORBX Global for MSFS. Either way, I would hope an increase in accuracy for the UK is not too far away.

A good idea would be to use a combination of OSM data AND the overhead object recognition AI to render the object.

OSM = address x= 3000 sq. ft. is residential dwelling 2 stories high
Blackshark AI = red roof color, house shape, and roof pattern

OSM = tall church
Blackshark AI = color and roof pattern

We really need a way (an interface) for the community to help the A.I.

Something like a wiki where edits are submitted and voted. And people votes can have different weights as the contribuitor gains “karma” and then the edits can be accepted into the game by the dev team after a far easier review.

This can be extended at terrain sculpting and user made photogrammetry when such features will be available in sdk.

Churches? No. It’s not a religion simulator. It’s a flight simulator. If they are going to add churches, they will also need to add other religious buildings.

When discussing “churches” within the context of a flight sim it’s reasonable to assume it’s because they are distinctive landmarks which generally feature a tall spire and are visible from a fair distance in rural areas.

Should the AI identify and use appropriate models for such landmarks? Absolutely
Should landmarks with distinctive architecture which might also be place of worship for other faiths also be included? Yes, absolutely.

I don’t belong to any faith, but I appreciate landmarks which I can navigate by and I appreciate that certain architecturual styles add to the feeling traveling in different regions around the world.

Surely the whole point of using maps data and photogrammetry is to finally allow a flight sim to have more than just a generic landscape which looks the same from Beijing to Berlin.


pc, MS Store, tons of Addons,


Thanks to all of you for making MSFS - a huge step in the right direction 

I thought that WU6 will at least bring some Churches to the scenery (even if procedually generated) as Churches are very much landmarks for VFR flying
 all cities, villages etc hava a church in Austria and most of the time they are the highest buildings around, so they would give a huge immersion boost for low and slow, would be nice if this could be implemented at some point.

Hello @liketofly7266.

As this is more of a wish, than a bug your topic was moved into the #self-service:wishlist category.


I was’nt quite sure where to place it, as I was’nt sure if its bug or a wish

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A wish ??
Let me be sceptical about your answer.
Churches are part of the cultures and landscapes from centuries and may be are the most old and accurate objects as navigation landmarks over t the world. Almost he entire World is covered by them.
It is very sad that Asobo does not take it into account
 Then it is not a wish, it is a mandatory update !



See here

The sky is my church

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I see churches in many places I fly. Most are not through photogrammetry but rather AI generated.
In fact, they were absent before SU5 and now they appear.

Any religious building for that matter. When religion dominates an area, it tends to be the focal point of the whole town. It goes back to the ancient times where religion was the biggest thing around.

Lets keep this alive. Done World Updates like British Isles and France/Belgium/Netherlands actually added churched, but with the WUs for Germany, Spain and Italy this didn’t happen, which is a real shame.

It’s not only about VFR navigation but also about immersion. Like typical building styles churches add greatly to the feeling that a place looks real. Especially in Europe, the church is often the central building of a small town and village and with it missing it doesn’t look authentic.


I totally agree, but church as a central building in almost every European town/village/city could be problematic for some corporate woke zealots.

They have no shame in promoting certain silly “culture” created around rear end of human body, but churches in Europe? Nope, that was a mistake, too controversial.

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Churches (mosques etc) are common visual reference and orientation point, and unlike most reference points they’re easy to implement because:

  1. They are marked on the OSM already.
  2. Generic models are totally ok here for obvious reasons.

The same applies to water towers, fire watch etc


appolon1 has created a set of churches for the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Maybe he or anyone else can do the same for DACH? That would add a lot to immersion when flying VFR in that region.

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That would be soo great.

The strange thing about the missing austrian churches is, that they are not there at all. They are not interpreted as some default buildings, the places are left empty. My guess: correctly classified them, just the models are missing

To underline my post, here some screenshots I took some time ago but after WU6:

Missing church in Scheibbs (empty spot in the middle with white areas), while the castle left of it is shown as some generic building

Missing church in Wieselburg/Erlauf, all buildings around it are shown

Missing church in Ybbs/Donau while the old town surrounding it is shown with no problems

Missing church in (at least I think) Neumarkt/Ybbs, other buildings are shown

Not a church, but castle Persenbeug is not there, while normal buildings in its surrounding are.

So its not about classifying them correctly as churches, they are either just not modeled or not even classified as buildings at all.