City Update 7: European Cities II Feedback

Yes, they just missed by a hundred yards or so.

Hi, I can’t see CU7 for download in my content manager :(, I’m up to date with MSFS with latest update installed today. I can see CU-I to CU-V only (not installed)

La Sagrada Família isn’t a cathedral as advertised on the release notes.

Hello @FGLPO,

As with all World Updates and City Updates, you first have to “buy” (for free) the update from the in-sim Marketplace before it will show up in your Content Manager.



oops, I forgot that detail. Thanks

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Is it a required download? I have no interest to fly in Europe at all.


Well, the installer will push required files before showing you the Main Menu, but no, you aren’t required to go to Marketplace and download the City Update itself, nor the corresponding updates in Content Manager.

As someone who, years ago, learned to fly in Cuatro Vientos airport (LECU) in Madrid, this City Update is very special. This is not only a city update, it’s something more. It’s insane the new extension of the photogrammetry to include all thecities and “los barrios” in the South of Madrid (Aluche, Carabanchel) inside LECU CTR and beyond.

Alcorcón, Móstoles, Villaviciosa, Brunete, Arroyomolinos, Leganés, Getafe
 even THIS:

MS, Asobo, and all the developers involved in this expansion, heartfelt thanks. Thank you so much.

virando a base, pista 27 :smiling_face_with_tear:


So it does push these files? I am trying to find out if they are required? If I delete them the will the sim install them again as an update the next time I start the sim? I appreciate the reply but I am a bit confused with the response. Sry.

Hello @bam12208834,

All World Updates and City Updates are 100% optional. When you first launch MSFS, there will be a very small mandatory update available (just a minor change to the in-sim menus to let you know a new City Update is available), but you don’t have to download the City Update from the Marketplace if you’re not interested.


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Ok. Thank you very much. I understand now.

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how does it work when a certain city is covered BOTH in the world update for the area and in a subsequent city update, case in point, barcelona? should one have both things installed? can they coexist? do they interfere with each other? anyone knows?


City Updates and World Updates which cover the same geographic area can co-exist properly in the sim. I personally have both the Iberia WU and the new CU installed. You may need to download an update to some of your packages, so check Content Manager to see if there are any updates available.


What in the inception is going on in Stockholm? Buildings folding on top of each other, regular autogen mixed with photogrammetry and vast areas in the city center that are completly flat with only satelite images and nothing else. Old town looks nothing like in the trailer.

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Hello @anotherfefe,

I suspect you may have an incompatibility issue with a mod/addon you have installed. I just took a few screenshots from some of the same locations in your images, and what I’m seeing appears normal:

Please try disabling your addons and see if that fixes the issue for you.



I like the update, however it seems Madrid could use some more color correction down the road. At least in my case many buildings around the business area are pretty greenish:

Other sections of the city however look just fine:

From the trailer the whole region however looks fine, maybe the servers have to do some caching? (No rolling cache involved on my end)

you’re going to have to ask DiCaprio about that :slight_smile:

Looks promising so far
 but guys, please look at your own official release screenshot and video, you can already spot a big water bug under the bridgte of Porto :smiley:

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Personal Comments and Observations

Can’t repro either.


Personal Comments and Observations

That’s not a bug. You can see the surrounding terrain is entirely Photogrammetry, and only the bridge is handcrafted POI. What’s underneath it is the bridge “flat-captured” by PG and subsequently overlaid by the handcrafted POI. PG was only ever designed to be viewed at a certain distance and altitude, not ever up close and expect to pass 100 percent fidelity with no flaws.