City Update 7: European Cities II Feedback

I installed this and also installed the world update Spain right after. Does everything work the same with both contents installed ?

Try clearing the cache and restart the sim too. And as stated by others, look for incompatible addons.

How long ago was this released? I have been flying off and on since early this morning and nothing has updated in FS. Just now I fired it up and an update installed, not issue right?

Well true the update downloaded and installed great however that naturally means FS is in Windowed mode. No issue, just need to select Full Screen and fly, right? Have to do it every update.

Well guess what, after the update installed when I try to go back to full screen
instant CTD! 3 consecutive times including a reboot.

Going to relaunch one more time in Safe Mode. Assuming that does not change anything, it’s reinstall time again unless someone has some ideas.

Well, safe mode made no difference except I did get this error message

So you’re saying Nice looks nice?

(I’ll go slap myself now


Ba-dum-tss. :rofl:


Loading screen is back to the Caribbean World update for me.

Does this mean people will finally stop complaining about the Dune loading screens.


I have the same problem with Stockholm. Do you have ORBX Bromma installed? After uninstalling Bromma Stockholm looks fine again.


@MikeFlight4164 I did not see your post before posting mine. Sorry for that. But, there is a problem with the ORBX bromma as i suspected, then


Lot of buildings (3D) missing in Stockholm. Seems like they just dont load (while some do). Big fields of only flat textures. Also hard on fps (for me).

Are airports like ESSA or ESSB included in the updated, and should I then delete other custom airports (ESSB from ORBX for example)?

Something feels a bit off. Using DX12 and TLOD 80 at the moment (but 80 should load from that distance).

Oh, but then Visby airport dissapears as well since its a bundle from ORBX with ESSB
 Thats sad. Lets hope ORBX posts an update soon.

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Why are there no updates for the UK & Ireland again?

I checked back and as far as I can see City Update Europe 1 and 2 as well as Western Europe focus on EU countries (if you exclude Switzerland)

The UK doesn’t appear to have received any attention since the world update 3 years ago.

France, Germany and Spain seem to get attention in every update. I’m not going to begrudge countries like Latvia and Slovakia getting a bit of attention.

Apologies if I missed something in my research but these updates may as well be called EU Cities 1 and 2.

Ironically the Short SkyVan was released alongside this city update given it’s a UK manufacturer aircraft (Belfast).


Marcus, the dev, knew about it becoming a potential issue in the future. That was why he postponed the last Bromma update for such a long time, he was waiting for the new photogrammetry, but as it never fully arrived he released an update without it. Now when it actually released he will release a fix.

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is there a new bush trip and/or landing challenge?

Most likely Marcus used some exclusion zones and custom scenery to fix things around Bromma and the new photogrammetry just doesn’t match the old one. I am sure it will be fixed.

There were a few PG cities that came out for UK before City Updates were even a thing. It was part of the Game of the Year edition update, but that was a loong while ago now, definitely time for some more!
GOTY - Nottingham
GOTY - Eastbourne
GOTY - Derby
GOTY - Brighton
GOTY - Newcastle upon Tyne


These photogrammetry updates are all well and good. But they they need to work on the blending with the non-PG terrain surrounding them.

The colours are so different and never matches and they stick out like a sore thumb from above and spoil the look of the ground terrain.


Thats some great news, and also an answer to an old questions I had: why it never was updated
 =P Thanka for the info.

Yeah, hard to update when you don’t know if the work you put in will be all an vain, until you can actually see what you have to work with.

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UK cities can’t be in EU city updates because of Brexit, obviously.


.but the UK is stlll part of the European continent that’s why Switzerland can still be included
it has never (AFAIK) been part of the EU.

So if Switzerland can get updates, why not the UK?