City Update 7: European Cities II Feedback

This is the PG over Stockholm. The PG itself is great, but one thing that is a bit annoying is the switch between the photogrammetry and the regular imagery. It’s really noticeable and sudden, creating a clear line that makes the difference in colors stand out quite a lot.


I love Stockholm finally got PG!! Thank you asobo.
Sadly I wonder why only half of Stockholm made it?

All northern suburbs are missing, and the archipelago!
But it goes very far south instead, even Södertälje is in!
But basically 90% PG forest, instead of getting Kista, Sollentuna, Danderyd, Täby, Barkarby, Jakobsberg, Åkersberga and Waxholm in the north.

But I rather have half of Stockholm then no Stockholm!

It looks great! And not so much AI trees! Thank you!

And Nice and Monaco :heart::heart::heart:


From the fact that you’re showing version 1.7.7 of LFMN in your graphic and I have version 1.7.9 showing in my Content Manager, I take it that Nice Cote d’Azur Airport has received a brush-up with the latest City Update.

So I have to ask: why didn’t the heliport on the south side of the airport receive any attention?

There are fourteen parking spots and two helipads there, and while they can be seen in the sim they could use a a little TLC, and the addition of parking spots and active helipads (yes, you can get scenery which adds the latter on but what with this being one of your showcase airports I would have thought that would be your job).

Helicopters have now been in the sim for eighteen months. A bit more recognition of that fact would be nice.

P.S As someone else has already observed, you didn’t do anything with the helipad in Monaco, either. No, that’s not strictly true - you hemmed it in with trees, as I noticed when I landed there this afternoon. But to be fair, it may have been like that before the update.


Agreed. I just installed the update and immediately flew from Nice to Albenga via Monaco and I think the whole coast looks lovely. At very low level the yachts in the Monaco harbours are not great - as is normal for PG - but the whole area looks stunning from a couple thousand feet up. Well done Microsoft/Asobo!


Here’s the Monaco one. A couple of the spots have PG helicopters embedded in them and the right hand protruding spot is very uneven. It really should be activated in MSFS though to complement the incredible scenery they’ve produced.


The photogrammetry is pretty insane !

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Well, that’s embarrassing! I thought I’d searched Monaco pretty thoroughly and the only helipad I spotted was in the far west of the Principality:

I could point out that the markings on the East End heliport are colourful and eccentric, and this may have contributed to my missing the heliport, but I doubt that would detract much from stupidity as the main explanation.

Still, a larger point stands: Asobo have upgraded an area of the World Map of a Flight Simulator while managing to ignore not one but both of the only places in that area where you can actually land an aircraft.

Though I see there’s a water runway, so there’s that.

Oh, and once again comes to the rescue - they have a freeware version of the eastern Monaco Heliport.

I shall download it tomorrow as a penance.


I also discovered the flat spaces in Stockholm and thought that it was most likely related to the custom objects and flatten inputs for the ESSB (ORBX) scenery. Remember, it was released long before anyone even thought on a Stockholm PG Update.

Hope itll be fixed with keeping the custom 3D objects.

Kind regards.

Can’t seem to activate PG at Porto…
Tried disabling and enabling PG but still no joy.

The version mismatch is because I haven’t installed the CU7 update yet when I took the Screenshot. The version number cycled when I finished installing the update. I just wanted to show the pending updates from CU7.

Installed the update and cleared cache?

Nice/Monaco area looks amazing. Next I’m going to check out Barcelona to Madrid.

Hello @Bondjpf,

Did you remember to “buy” (no charge) and install the City Update from the in-sim Marketplace first?


Any idea what the second update was today. I’m on Xbox and I think it mentioned add-on support.

Splash screen changed to Caribbean after this second one so maybe that’s all it was. Gratefully received.


Ant’s Tiger Moth for a very pleasant aerial tour over Nice and Monaco. The quality is gorgeous, very few melties, and absolutely SPECTATCULAR terraforming along the coastlines, in valleys, hillsides, etc. The scenery of the Nice airport itself is stunning, I adore the control tower. Heading out in the FlyInside 206 next to land on at least one helipad I spotted. So far I give the European Cities II update a solid two flaps up!!!


I never remember to do this :slight_smile:

We’re any World Hub airports impacted by today’s updates? There are reports of WH airports that lost changes after SU15 seemly fixed after CU7.

Oof. That doesn’t look great.

I confirmed my own suspicion. Some undocumented changes to WH airports happened with this update. I confirmed that KMDW Taxiway H has re-appeared after CU7. It broke after SU15.

Yep, I have to turn PG off sadly, these changes in terrain in my opinion are so bad that isn’t worth the PG buildings.

I think it probably is a bug. Whoever hand crafted the bridge should have added an exclusion polygon to disable the pg that is directly underneath it. Doesn’t really make sense to make a nice looking bridge and then leave that 3D mess underneath it.

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