City Update 8: Las Vegas Feedback

Seems nice overall. I figured it’d mainly be the strip that got the lights makeover. I was hoping Las Vegas Motor Speedway would be lit up but I did expect that it wouldn’t. It’d be nice if all the other big cities got a lighting makeover going forward.

It also seems that they fixed the LOD in the area? I’ve been on 200 TLOD and I never remember the distance being as far out as it is now. I’ll gladly take that!

ALSO! You are able to disable the Asobo Las Vegas Strip in the content manager if you want to use Fly Tampa’s (Recommended) You will keep all the other goodies from the update too ie: Hoover Bridge, Boulder City etc.


did a short fly,lod look great here,so wat is changed,at other places it is not the same,performance also good.
but nice to fly here :heart_eyes:

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New Vegas is great thanks Asobo!! Its different than FlyTampa’s KLAS and KLAS Scenery package. I think Asobo did a bunch of work on the photogrammetry in and around the city … we have 7-11’s now and generally the elevation data seems better, and mountians are better.

I wish that all of the major city’s could be done to this degree!


Wish I can join you all, but Im still on Avianca 147 to Bogota right now :S

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This is probably the best photogrammetry I have ever seen in the sim, at least in this lighting from this angle. Frenchman Mountain. The still image even takes a bit away from it, but flying in motion… unreal!


you beat me to it, i was typing the exact same thing, i dont believe i have seen as good PG ever before… this is awesome

i do however seem to have some texture situation going on at KLAS looks like 2 textures one on top of the other,

i have all the ms/asobo addons but no third party addons


The Bellagio fountain show is a nice touch, don’t recall seeing anything like that before.


Looks very nice to me, especially for free! I just popped into KLAS (Feelthere) with the PMDG 737 parked at a gate, then droned over to the hotels for a few minutes. For as much time as I am going to spend there (not all that much), the free CU Las Vegas + Feelthere’s KLAS (which I have had for a long time) is just fine. Since I never bought the FT package, I have nothing to compare to; that said, if I had a penny for every forum post I have read about that one, I could probably buy it once or twice over LOL!

The photogrammetry is definitely on a par with the best of what we’ve seen recently from world and city updates. They’ve really nailed their PG now, in terms of colours, resolution and the trade off with performance.

I uninstalled the Fly Tampa city scenery but kept FT KLAS.


Not looking good. Any help with this issue?


Yeah the mountain areas look great. If this is a little glimpse into how FS2024 is going to look everywhere then it should be incredible.


I really do like the new CU.

But it’s performance is very poor.
Lots of microstutters on my end.

Doing a restart now, hope it resolves this.


Absolutely the same. Took a look and flew around, realized the airport wasn’t included which makes zero sense when it’s literally RIGHT THERE, and went right back to the FT package.


It wont look like that everywhere because they won’t be able to implement photogrammetry everywhere, but I expect many popular natural features will be photogrammetry, as was announced for the Grand Canyon, and I think Mount Kilimanjaro too. Perhaps going forward they will be able to add Wilderness Updates the way they do City Updates and World Updates currently.


Totally agree, the scanned rocky structures look insanely good.
Unfortunately they left out a bigger patch between the dam and the city, so in between there are a few miles of the standard ground, which is a pitty.

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to be faithull, i am now at such a point of disapointement with this game and the destruction done by asobo team with the visual quality of this game for Xbox users that i am not even exited to download this new city update because of building now poping just in front of you with poor distance draw .

i will check this when Good news for Xbox users will be announced by developers

till this time xbox and purchases are switched off


Restarted the sim worked.
Microstutters are practically gone.


I tried that and ended up with no city. I had to uninstall both.

How did you get that to work for you?



I uninstalled just the LV strip from CU8 and kept FlyTampa airport and city so I can have the excellent work FT did plus all the great new photogrammetry.