Classic toolbar option

It would be nice to have classic toolbar option and you can switch between the modern one ( current one ) to old-style like FSX/P3D/XP

Or at least press a key like “Alt” to show the toolbar, sometimes it mess up the mood and the look when it shows up when you make the slightest mouse movement

I’m with you. The slightest movement of the mouse makes the toolbar icon seem like a cyborg eye blinking at you. Would love to have the toolbar only appear when I move the mouse cursor to the top of the monitor as an option.

PS I think we’re gonna lose this bet! 2 posts in 29 days :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m with you guys on this and it was mentioned months back but no reply. No surprise there. It would be nice to tick what option one prefers. It exits to a small degree in Dev Mode so it can be done.

Duplicate: Add a Classic In-Flight Menu