Cloud Saves of Settings

I’ve just done a full re-install having left the SU9 beta in prep for today, and yet again I see that the cloud save function hasn’t worked correctly. This is probably my 3rd re-install since starting the beta and this problem has been there every time.

It has some settings saved, but they are never my latest. Every time I do this I have to go through and manually change almost everything in my graphics & sound at the very minimum. Thankfully my controller maps do seem to save correctly so at least I’m grateful for that!

My question is why the cloud? Why not a local save, or probably even better, both? If cloud saving isn’t working robustly 100% of the time there really ought to be an option to make a manual save of the same information on a local drive.

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I wish they would give us the option to save settings on your local drive…I dont trust the cloud for updated games settings one bit

Iv had your problem before. Iv had to Re bind all my updatted settings

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For what it’s worth, there is a Wishlist topic that may be relevant to you:

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Also a much older request: Backup function (export / import) for the controls settings

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