CLS-60. A budget Force Feedback Yoke review

Thanks for the help, I’ll check it out as I’d like to be ahead of the software before the yoke arrives.

Apparently software download 2.2.6 is out but all I can find is 2.2.4 on flitesim. Help please.

I downloaded mine from their discord site.

2.2.6 is the one you want!

cant get into discord as I have an unclaimed account. Contacted discord no reply. Delivery dates been put back AGAIN, beginning to wonder if this companies genuine. Could be nearly a grand down the drain. And why dont they have a downloads section on their website that updates the software releases like nearly all other companies have. So if I dont have discord I`ve had it?

Figured discord out so now got 2.2.6 software. Phew!!!

Obviously you cannot physically test anything yet but it should be possible to dream up a few test profiles off the back of that video series mentioned earlier. It will help you understand the theory a little better while you wait for your yoke.

I feel your frustration with delivery. Mine was delayed due to both a phsical hardware upgrade and my batch was also delayed so that the latest firmware could be applied at source. They are a new company and the rough edges are sometimes visible in both dealing with customers and keeping them appraised of the latest news. I hate Discord passionately and yet here it is the only real way of being in the loop, so if you are like me, then I am afraid that it is time to grit your teeth and get on with it. It drives me insane…

Well, this morning my unit has just left the UAE on way to UK. Got a delivery date from UPS for tomorrow, Mon 14th. If so thats going to be about 3 weeks from ordering. I consider that not bad at all. Getting excited now as much as I did when my motion platform was coming.

Perhaps for a reason? A game which had so much potential but ruined (imo) by the amount of grind and shallowness.

Sorry for going off thread. Will leave it there.

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Three weeks could be a World record for a CLS60. Good things come to those that wait they said - and for once, it appears to be true. Enjoy!

Out for delivery today. So, Ordered 25 sept, shipped 29 Sept, received 14 Oct. Well done Simflite. To me this was a completely reasonable timeframe to UK.
Now to unboxing and testing. I have nearly 200 hrs irl flying the 172 amongst other aircraft so am excited to see how close the feel is to what I know irl.
My rig.
NL V3 motion platform.
2x buttkickers on a 300 watt amp
Wind generators from SRS
5.1 surround sound logitech
Bravo throttles
Saitek flight panel
Velocity Rudders
HF8 seat pad
Pimax chrystal
Large button box for ATC
Alop park brake
MSI x870 mobo, Amd ryzen 9 79003dx cpu, RTX4090, 64gb Patriot 6400 ddr5
And of course CLS-60 ffb Yoke.

You might want to put a few coins in the meter with that lot…

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It all cost a few coins I can say. Many stinkeye nights from the wife, but this is what retirement is for. Cant afford irl flying much now, the costs are ridiculous but this is a good second best. FYI the yoke is at another level, cant believe the feel I get now, very very close to real life flying. To those folks who havent taken the plunge save save save and get one, the cls-60 I mean, you will NOT regret it.

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Well , a major service on the yoke. On arrival one outside black screw missing, so opened the cover and inside only 3 bolts and screws were tight. I could unloosen the other bolts by hand. Now all tightened up properly. I also lightly Vaselined the pitch rail as it only had a mere smear of blue coloured grease. Much smoother now. Not really good enough at the price were paying I think.

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Dear Forum,

I am really looking forward to buy a set of a FFB CLS yoke. What do you think, is it worth buying the 120 over the 60? I often fly airliners…Is there enough information available at the moment to help one’s to determine? Looking at their website it looks like they stuck since months…

Is this thing better than the Brunner?

Most of the time 60N should be sufficient,even on a liner , if you really want a workout you can upgrade later too

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A few guys that switched from a Brunner to the CLS-60 said it’s better then the Brunner

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Far better. Miles ahead of the Brunner in every regard. I’m loving my cls60 now I’ve serviced it .

How is it better? What does it do better over the Brunner? I’m curious as I’m tempted to buy one.