the handle shells are made of resin wich is quite authentic, the inner structure inside the shell is full metal, I took the handle apart a few times and can confirm that.
The handle will definitely last forever, I can’t see a problem with the resin shells beside its a little squeaky for the first few flights but it breaks in and will be silent then
But I covered the handle sides with leather for a better grip.
Thats a good idea with the leather…if possible, could you share a picture?
of course, as you can see my handle is quite modified for the A2A Comanche
That is next level compared to my rig! I fly mainly VR though so all my cockpit is virtual. Thanks again for the advice though.
Shot in the dark here but am wondering if anybody has tried mounting the Fulcrum One yoke handle onto the CLS 60 base? Seems like it could work? It’s just buttons right?
Was thinking of bike tape for mine but leather is way better. Very nice job.
Thanks , my cockpit is also for VR flying, it’s a mixed reality setup
Visuals are 100% VR
interactions are 100% hardware
The simpit matches 1:1 with the virtual pit
With ghost hands it’s a immersive experience
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I have the Fulcrum yoke also. I think the pin layout for the buttons might be different though.
Can I ask if your roll axis on your CLS 60 is smooth. Mine is kid of lumpy. It won’t allow very small delicate movements, but kind of jumps from one angle to the next. To me it feels like an over tightened bearing. I’m going to investigate.