Cockpit camera drift

Same issue here with the same flight stick on Xbox. Heard you could fix by setting dead zone but not able to do that either on Xbox because that menu setting doesn’t work of course.

Not really the same thing but when I used my X-56 with 2020 I used the small joystick on the stick part of the HOTAS for the setting cockpit view yaw / cockpit view pitch. Now for some reason when I want to look to the right it looks up or something like that. Does someone who uses the same controls for that maybe have settings with which it works?

Same problem with MSFS 2024, X56 hotas.
No problem with 2020 version.

Same issue here. Slow drift in cockpit view with HOTAS X56. Plus, whatever I try, I cannot use freelook in cockpit view with my mouse. Neither toggle nor hold works for me.

Solved (X56 Hotas)!
Go to General>Camera>in the right menu>Cockpit Camera section>Free Lock Reset option change from Manual to Auto.


I have the X56 as well and this did the trick. Now it works beautifully on that small axis and makes looking around the cockpit so much easier. Thank you!

it was unplayable. I copied every settings (keyboard, stick…) to new files, cleared everything in it and bindend only that what I want. Now it works perfect

Honestly, this is a workaround not a fix. I want to pan freely. Ever tried pushing buttons in your cockpit while your view always resets?

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Okay. I have removed camera bindings for cockpit view from my stick. Now, mouse freelook works again and the drift is gone.

Oh god why so many issues! same with x-56 with me here…

The solutions posted in this thread do all work but you’ve got to do it each time you fire up the sim. It would be nice to get a permanent fix for this problem.

Most likely what is happening, is that you have another axis assigned to the freelook mode in the controls. I had the exact same problem. If you have any joystick/throttle hardware, this will most likely be the problem.

What worked for me:

  1. Go into your settings.
  2. Go to the controls.
  3. Go to the category ‘Camera’
  4. On the ‘Devices List’, select your throttle/joystick
  5. Unbind any control that is set to the axis on your throttle/joystick
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Same with my X-56, if i unpplug the yoke, the bug stop.

I found the issue that the mini stick on the Joystick (To view around) needed a Deadzone so i added to all axis from the mini stick a deadzone from 2.0 i think that solved the issue for me.

Found the solution that worked for me on the hotas:

Thanks for the workaround, hope we geta fix on this soon.

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This worked for me.

This worked perfectly. TY SIC0868!

worked for me, Thanks.

Yes happens to me with my X56 hotas