Cockpit View Keybindings & Camera

So you have mapped both pilot previous position and toggle instrument views onto the same button? These will be active at the same time. I can see how this will get you into the instrument views but it seems like these actions will also conflict. I’ll try it next time I’m flying and see if it’s good for me, thanks.

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I think I understand what you are saying. Sorry, I didn’t test my set-up thoroughly enough.

There still appears to be some anomalies in the behavior of the control bindings particularly with the instrument views.

Therefore, I recommend that you change the following hat-switch binding to:

POV :arrow_down: - Previous Pilot Position
External Camera - External View Look Down
DELETE: “Instrument Camera - Toggle Instrument View 1”

Now, to toggle the Instrument Camera from either External Camera or Cockpit Camera using the “Keyboard 2024 Transversal” option, simply select Shift+1 on your keyboard for custom view 1, Shift+2 for custom view 2, etc. You can then quickly move back and forth between each of the custom views with the left and right hat-switch positions.

Of course you can set any keyboard/controller button you prefer to toggle the Instrument Camera if you don’t want to use the sim’s default assignment.

Thank you. You are correct. Subsequently, I made a change in my previous post.

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Why must Asobo always break stuff, FFS.


I also noticed something else: the view is milky when looking outside through the cockpit windows. Everything is clear from the drone’s perspective. You can clearly see this on the glass panes. Does anyone else have this effect?

Yes, many of us have been complaining about this. I think its Osoba’s technical approach for filter the light through the windscreen. This needs to be changed.