I’m still finding the colors in the default sim to be a little ‘washed out’. Has anybody else noticed this?
I’ve played around with my Nvidia and desktop settings, but they make very little difference. There was a video posted on YouTube, a guy flying the 787 into Tokyo Haneda. Not sure if he’s done any post processing, but the color palette that he has achieved is what I’m aiming for. Unless there is a major color difference between 2k and 4k (I’m only able to run 2k at the moment).
I’m yet to receive a reply, and it’s been a week now.
Would anybody else care to comment, or has anybody got similar views to me?
Maybe you should post a link to the video you mentioned, that way we can tell what you’re aiming for.
I turned bloom off and that made things less flat for me. I have heard the if you have an HDR monitor, with the HDR setting on in game, it can look washed out. Not sure if this is anything that effects your setup.
Thanks guys. Linky, linky:
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Funny, I’ve been thinking colours look too bright and not washed out enough. I see what you mean though, from the vid. Have a look at some green fields (in England say) and see what you think. I think the green is far too bright.
I feel the same exact way!
I cant get ReShade going because of the inability to gain permissions on the .exe file.
Yes, that video looks 10x better than the sim. California colors are wack.
I’m going to see if I can mess with the post processing configuration file to get any results.
Have you tried using Nvidia Freestyle to tweak the color settings in game?
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Haven’t heard of Freestyle, I’ll take a look, thanks 
Yay! Thanks for the tip!
Left side is on, right side is off.
Left side looks really good can you tell us exactly what you did
Sure! Here are my settings in nVidia Freestyle…
Contrast +10%
Highlights/Shadows/Gamma -12%
Tint Color 26%
Tint Intensity 30%
Temperature 12.6
Vibrance 0.5
Sharpen 0%
Clarity 13%
HDR Toning 32%
Bloom 0%
Here is a link for how to setup freestyle…note that you gotta have an nvidia card…
I have been using Nvidia Freestyle for awhile now. My settings are pretty similar to yours. As can be seen in your comparison pic, the left one looks far more natural and realistic. The sim in its default state has this wierd greenish look. I hope they fix the shaders so we don’t have to use Freestyle.
Okinawa Typhoon passed NW there.
Koriyama, Fukushima
Side by side
Now all I have to do is reduce the Bloom levels.
Did you use Freestyle for the bottom one? What do your settings look like?
No no NV bloatware for me.
ReShade 4.7. qUINT_regrade, qUINT_bloom, LUT, FXAA, FilmicAnamorphSharpen, FakeHDR, Colourfulness, and Clarity shaders.
I’m super jealous.
I can’t install reshade on mine because of app permissions.
Do you have a steam install?
Yes, steam version
Night time over Downtown Toronto
Reduced Bloom
Bonus: (Morning storm)
Side by side
Any chance you can share your reshade preset?