Constant CTDs after flying a bit

Ohh god I have CTDs everyday I fly MSFS2020, same situation first audio stutters then freezing few seconds then Boom to the desktop, tried almost every method the solve it, uninstall,reinstall, remove addon one by one even reinstall the Windows. Weird is it seems sometimes is fine and sometimes is not. I play the flight simulator since FS9 all the way to P3Dv5 until MSFS2020, now it really kills me that I don’t fly the MSFS2020 often now, just about to quit.

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I feel your pain my friend.

I guess all we can do is keep waiting with our fingers crossed things will improve down the road.

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WebMaxxximus…thanks for your prompt Posts to my first post ever regarding the same CTDs everyone on this Topic is experiencing. As I am new to this medium because I hadn’t had any significant problems (like CTDs) with the MSFS2020 before the Sim Update 11 (1.29.28), I would appreciate someone enlightening me on how one goes about getting MSFS2020 Technical Support to help us resolve these problems for a Software Product we have paid to have access to and use. Surely the answer is not that you have to have enough “votes” to get Technical Support. Is there not even a “Pay for Technical Support” model? Someone please enlighten me.

I assume that moving back to a version prior to Sim Update 11 is not an option…right? If not, we have to have access to a cure/remedy from the only folks that can help us out of this nightmare…the MSFS2020 Team.

We’re many who already tried to get help from Asobo via a ticket. For most of us though having these kind of issues, the answer has been the same…to go through the list Asobo provides on how to troubleshoot CTD issues. If following the advice on that list won’t sort your issue, next suggestion usually is to reinstall MSFS and/or Windows.

Still a good thing if you do create a ticket with them. The more people doing it, the more visibility this issue gets which of course is a good thing for those of us having the issue.

I do understand MSFS can just ctd and it does. I got back to some stability and havern’t had one in several flights. I upgraded to Win11, did a bios update. Then redid my OC. So far so good. I have been able to do flights in the 2+ hour zone. The other one I noticed caused some grief is Nvidia reflex option. Using this caused audio crackles. I have a 3090 and a pro audio sound card (Universal Audio). It’s been nice to make it to runways again. I would most often ctd just 4 miles from touchdown. Knock on wood, I’m back in the skies.

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I’ve been fairly lucky myself after installing everything from scratch and then carefully adding things back.

At the moment, it seems the culprit over here is an addon called VSR. Used to see online ATC and aircraft on Vatsim. Still weird since no one else have this issue. So must be in combination with something else I’m using but hard to know what with zero help from the information given in the crash message in Windows Event Viewer.


Happy to hear you’re back in the air!!! It’s frustrating all hells when it doesn’t cooperate. I almost gave up on it. Glad I didn’t. It’s a finicky piece of software for sure.

Thanks, very frustrating indeed when things don’t work! Especially for this type of title where you many times spent a lot of time first setting up for the flight and then a couple of hours in the air…only to end up on your desktop on short final…

I keep hoping for more overall stability and error handling with new versions of MSFS being released.

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Webmaxxximus… What is the VSR add-on? Is it a part of the air traffic setup in the MSFS settings menu? I am still having CTDs…How do we get rid of the VSR add-on? I have just about given up and haven’t flown but once since my last post and during that session I spent 4 hours of system checkout/fiddling based on recommendations from the forum with a destination of CTD after 4 minutes in the cockpit of the Asobo 747.

The VSR addon is not part of MSFS. It’s a separate freeware utility which allows you to see online ATC as well as other online traffic when flying on the Vatsim network for a more realistic experience.

You can learn more about it over here → VSR - VATSIM Radio toolbar for MSFS

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Doesn’t matter if its MSFS aircraft, or 3rd party aircraft from like PMDG. My most recent flight, I followed the preventative CTD guide on these forums. Even ran DDU in safemode and reinstalled my chipset and GPU drivers. I also renamed my community folder and uninstalled the few aircraft that I have purchased in the Marketplace, as well as the extra mods for the split screens (both of them). Loaded a flight into KNKX Miramar MCAS, flying the Cessna Longitude. Hand-programmed my flight into the nav, just a quick SID and RNAV approach. Began my flight and about 5-6 minutes after departure, my simulator became unresponsive for about a split second. Then the sound came back (engines) and almost immediately closed with no error message.
Ryzen 5 3600/X570 chipset
MSI Ventus 2060 12gb
never oc’d.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

If on PC, Fault Bucket ID - Instructions here - Please type in just the Fault Bucket ID # rather than a screenshot for privacy reasons:

1539065916812155186, type 5

I have exactly the same CTD. Doesn’t matter the aircraft I do a full setup, take off, then 5 minutes into the flight I have a screen freeze with audio gone, then audio blips back on for a second before a CTD. I have tried this without AI traffic and its the same.

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See, this is the same problem I have. 2 months ago I spent $120 on a simulator that, at this price point, should be robust after being released years ago. It’s honestly infuriating that this is still an issue, and people are paying a f***load of money for the software. I can’t do a 1 hour flight without the game freezing, audio cut, and then CTD. I’m not getting what I paid for.


Beside of the fact that MSFS is far the cheapest flightsim on the market ( only 60€ without additional deluxe dlcs ) , I miss a lot of informations related to the crashs you mentioned.

In special in reports where “freezing audio” was mentioned, the reason is often outdated drivers or hardware problems.

So, would be nice if add some helpfull informations , than what you wrote in your first forums post :wink:

Some informations for intresst: the message windows event viewer, your system spec, what you tried already, installed mods, situations where it happens ( e.g. allways at same location ?) , which airplanes, and all others what might be helpfull.

I haven’t had a crash free day in months. I’m actually resorting back to X-Plane just so I get some air time back. SU11 came out about the same time I got my 4090 and I thought maybe this was growing pains with the new video cards but I see from this thread it’s not. I went for a long time with no CTD. It was just a “I sure hate it for these guys” thing. Now I’m right in the mix. Every….single…day. The CTD bucket is almost always something different which leads me to believe it’s the sim itself. I wish they’d get it worked out! I’ve got a high end system too! Hasn’t done me much good lately!

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Did you already try starting over from scratch by reinstalling both Windows and MSFS?

And after doing that very carefully adding things back one at a time, both when it comes to any add-ons for MSFS as well as other software you use?

That’s what I eventually did even when I said from start I would not go that route. In my case and using this method, I found the culprit to be a tool called VSR. Used when flying online on Vatsim.

What was strange was how I already before reinstalling everything tried to remove both VSR as well as other things. And MSFS still kept crashing. So must have been VSR in combination with something else I’m unaware of that changed during the reinstallation.

Now I’ve been flying for weeks on a daily basis without a single CTD. Before, I had a CTD more or less on every flight.

So sure it was a time-consuming process to go through but well worth it and to me, a much preferred way to go than going back to X-Plane.

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I have zero add-ons. Well PMDG 737… but that’s it. Never have had any. But it doesn’t matter which plane I am flying. You know how when it does crash you get the option to do “safe mode” in MSFS which disables any add-ons that anyone would have? I’ve tried this as well with no change. I’ve got a good test flight that crashes every single time. Start at airport UT25 and go to KGCN. Daher TBM930 is the plane. I’ve never made it a single time. Side note: UT25 is an awesome airport for sight seeing. KGCN is at the Grand Canyon too so it’s fantastic as well.

I haven’t blown away the OS yet and after reading above from others, it seems like that will be a lot of work for nothing. The machine doesn’t have a bunch of junk on it either. It’s almost exclusively used for flight sim.

Ok, then I’m out of ideas.


Sounds like a possible scenery glitch and thus the location should be reported. But don’t rely on a quick fix unless it’s a major corridoor or something similar, non essential bugs get sent to the back.

That example I gave is just that. One example. Doesn’t matter where I’m flying. That particular example will be what I use going forward in the event they say they fixed something in the future. I will determine if they actually fixed it by making THAT flight as it’s been a 100% failure rate to date.