Constraints bug a320 with sim update 6

Is there a way to manually input these altitudes into the FMS ourselves? I’ll report it on zen desk as well, it’s annoying but it can be worked around until it’s fixed, since I can look up the approach charts online

I really don’t know honestly, i am using charts anyway :slight_smile: but i would like that constraints would work as before - i am quite familiar with a lot of RNAV App. on different Airports which a have to deal a bit in a different way for now unit this get fixed

Same here, Boeing 787 on Xbox. The FMS doesn’t contain altitudes for ILS approach anymore. The ATC does seem to know the values, though, however there are additional problems there. After I edited my cruise altitude in the Nav Log two times (first to 25000 ft then 20000 ft), the ATC alternated between the two and continuously sent me up and down, to FL250 then FL200, all through the whole flight.

I also checked the Nav Log. It’s missing the approach waypoints. I think that’s why the FMS doesn’t contain them. And maybe the ATC issue is rooted in the Nav Log as well. If you edit your cruise altitude it doesn’t update the ATC.

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That’s what I found odd…I DID see the appeoach waypoints and the altitude constraints on the Navlog, at least for the specific airports I checked out…

Oh I noticed this yesterday on the a320neo with constraints on the FMS showed all the approach waypoints as FL26.

Still not fixed with SU7 - I am on Series S tested with A320 Neo

I seriously made a post about this day 1 of SU6 and NOW they mark it as bug logged and won’t be fixed until SU8. Unbelievable and pathetic

Yeah very disappointing especially i reported this issue already at fist Beta day for SU6.

On the other hand waiting for SU8 takes not that long some month more doesn’t matter :joy::joy::joy:

I hope really that we get some addon Airliner in near future for Xbox - so I can send the Neo to hangar :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

and SU8 will not be here until end of Feb '22.

I have reported this to their Zendesk on multiple occasions and every time they pretend like they have no idea what I am talking about, this is the type of stuff we are dealing with here. Every time I send it in they ask for the same information and tell me they can’t re-create it.

same here, no constraints showed or completely messed up. following atc is the only way to approach but it’s really hard/random for me to get the right descent rate without any sort of visual indicator on MCDU

with garmin1000 planes i have no problem at all as each waypoint display altitudes indications

I’m on xbox series s, and sometimes it sort of works, but most of the time no. I use the SID, STAR & approach plates on skyvector and do it manually.

Until when/if they ever get ATC fixed among a list of other things. How old is this game now OVER A YEAR!! :roll_eyes:

i guess still no updates on this, trying to keep the thread alive since it’s quite a big issue

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Finally some liveries for the A320 and now the plane is a nightmare to climb and a nightmare to approach correctly with this bug. One step forward…

Hey guys, I contacted support directly regarding this issue to get some sort of update and to let them know there are a lot of people waiting for this fix. This was there some what copy and pasted generic response below. Let’s hope it’s not just lip service, and feel free to contact support directly via zen desk to harp on them for this instead of just the forums, something needs to be done here:

Hi Atarini401,

We kicked off a public beta at the start of December with the hope of testing out some fixes to the sim. After spending several weeks checking the stability and performance of the latest public beta build (, this version is being released on January 6th at 8:00 am PT (1600Z) .

Has any one download the beta? Has the constraints issue been resolved?

Hi everyone, has anyone seen a fix on this issue?

I am still getting 260 on all final decent waypoints.

Using the 3 degree rule on the FPA helps a bit, but this is crazy. The waypoint altitudes populate in the NAVLOG in the flight creation page, but don’t carry over to the FMS nor do they show on the ND via the constraints button. It makes anything but a RNAV or ILS approach very hard. Even RNAV approaches are difficult without a proper starting altitude to grab the glideslope.

nope no official statement, right now on xbox only nxi planes are functioning

Google the approach plates for that airport and cross reference that with the waypoints on your ND. Only thing we can do.

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I am keeping selected ALT which is given by approach and this works fine around EGKK …
until we get this bug sorted

Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Drives me crazy that all the data is in the navlog, but doesn’t transfer over. Seems like an easy fix?

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