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Brief description of the issue:
My contrails have started looking insanely blocky recently. I don’t remember this being an issue.
Contrails are block shaped very shortly after leaving engine
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Same here… Also at airports when taxiing on the ground and when the planes take off or land. It looks like a big water fountain… I have no other traffic active! Only the in game multiplayer.
I am in the AAU1 beta now, but his was going on prior to me joining it today.
Those other posts don’t quite match mine, but yes something is wrong with the effects file I think. I just didn’t replace the file or anything. I do have FSLTL installed, but I wasn’t running it when I noticed the issues, and I don’t think it affects my own contrails, but just the AI planes it installs?
Also just tried it without FSLTL installed and it is the same issue. Also, sidenote, contrails tend to disappear way too fast, but I assume that’s probably a choice Asobo made for performance reasons.
I’m also experiencing this problem. Other players in the native multiplayer display this same ‘blocky’ contrail no matter their altitude, so even when they taxi it appears for me and is quite immersion breaking. Also appears on my own aircraft, original MSFS contrail shows fine for a bit and then this other ‘blocky’ texture appears half way down. Here’s a few screenshots. Not sure if this is an addon causing this or an MSFS bug.
Folks - note change to Bug Logged status. Dev Team was able to reproduce, so now it’s in queue for triage and resolution determination. Thanks for everyone’s input into this report.
My contrails started doing this last night and they where working before with no problems. Seems the plane starts ok but after about 10mins of flying they look like this! Any way of turning them off? Im not in Beta
The thing that puzzles me about these kinds of problems is the contrails I am seeing are very good, very realistic. I was just admiring the contrails from my B737 and other a/c over me yesterday–so when others are experiencing strange contrails as shown above, is it the sim’s fault or individual systems or setup? Plus, I do not have a top of the line system–i9, RTX 2070S, 32 gig, so this disparity among users is so odd.
Asking for a friend.
FSLTL had an update, and that may have fixed my contrails. What is weird is I uninstalled it to check and my contrails were still broken before the update.
Edit: Anddddd nevermind it’s still broken on some aircraft. I once again think this is just on the sim and not any mods.