Controling keyboard and controller button repeat rate

Is there any option for changing the key press repeat rate. Technically the time to the first repeat and then the repeat rate. Or is the only way to change it in Windows?

Thanks in advance, sPK

Not sure why you are asking, but if it’s for managing the sensitivity of your elevator trim have a look at the Authentikit Tuning App. It manages the sensitivity either by adjusting the button press rate or by converting the elevator trim function to an axis. It is a freeby as well.

Having asked this question I realise I am more interested in the controller key presses. Looking at the elevator trim I can see that I press the button causses a mall change in trim and about 0.5 seconds later it goes into a free run mode. This makes it hard to judge how long to press the trim button.

@Albatross75160 I’ll check out the Authentikit Tuning App., thanks for that. sPK

Simhangar on You Tube does a very good video ‘Sensitivity for Your Trim Wheel’ demonstrating how to incorporate the App, focusing on the HC Bravo but it does have wider relevance than that.

Maybe those topics can be of some interest here:

That’s a good suggestion, but be aware that the sim’s handling of inputs from peripherals is less than ideal. The event viewer in shows dozens to 100s of events EVERY SECOND for every switch and button connected directly to MSFS. If you have lots of peripherals, that could add up to several thousand events that the sim needs to service every second. By adding a vJoy controller, you’re potentially loading up the sim even more.

I have offloaded most of my peripherals to (which could also be used to manage keyboard rates). By doing that, I get exactly 1 event in the sim, each time a button or switch’s state changes. That’s vastly better than the sim having to deal with thousands of useless events every second, from peripherals that are directly connected.

Maybe the vJoy virtual driver is smarter than your typical controller hardware and doesn’t spam MSFS, but I’d at least check that it is.

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