Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
The controls don’t work. I have all the peripherals mapped as default. When I attempt to advance the throttles, move the yoke, or use the joystick, nothing happens.
Peripherals list
- TCA Boeing Yoke
- TCA Airbus Joystick
- TM Rudder Pedals
- Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrants.
Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? This is the Default Sim
Description of the issue:
Every Time
Please list the steps you took to help our test team reproduce the same issue.
- Installed the simulator
2.I attempted to see if changing the axis in the settings would work
- I tried to repair and verify.
If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.
- What peripherals are currently plugged in? Please name all of them, as there could be a potential conflict.
-TCA Boeing Yoke
- TCA Airbus Joystick
- TM Rudder Pedals
- Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrants.
[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode, or have you made any changes? No
[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use? RTX4080
[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share? Windows 11, AMD 79003XD
Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes
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• Seems to be the dame issur
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Same issue with ALL my hardware…just waiting to see how this plays out. Also none of my settings are actually working…I spent an hour remapping for nothing.
Is it just the hardware listener for you guys? The hardware listener doesn’t show any inputs at all for me, but the controls all work in flight.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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• Well I cant even figure out how to post to these silly forums. Like the worst ones ever. I am a new player coming from Star Citizen where I use a full Virpil HOTAS with control planel two setup. It works flawlessly there. Alpha Prime stick. MS FS 2024 sees them in the config but they dont respond at all. can someone help? the ease of use here is stupid, and I come from Star Citizen. Im used to complex. this game is just poorly implemented.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes, no curves an ALL devices
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• controllers are working properly on Windows game controller dialog (Honeycomb Alpha, T.Flight Hotas X, Saitek Rudder Pedals). I only installed the sim and went sträight to the settings
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• none
Yes agree with many here. The sensitivity page shows no movement of axis on my turtle beach yoke that has 15 axis’ with the rudders and brakes. No way to know which axis is which when 2020 we could move axis and see sensitivity charts move.
However mapping controls I can “search by input” and axis are shown with their corresponding number.
Hello! I have the exact same issue. At the settings page i can map the hardware (it doesnt say save or something) then when going in to the plane or helicopter everything that has an axis doesn’t work. Some buttons work and those not all the time. Furthermore i have done all the firmware updates
Winwing takeoff panel
Winwing f16 grip
Winwing orion throttle base
Winwing fcu
Virpil rudder
Virpil collective
I’m in the air right now but NOTHING control wise works… no mouse, keyboard, no controller, no T Flight Hotas One. Nothing is moving the camera or the plane. I also could not move the earth ball at all with any input and I could not even move the select cursor with the controller at all in the main menu, only mouse cursor worked.
What am I going to do now?
The only thing I can do is clicking menus, but even if I choose external Cockpit view I can’t turn the camera or anything with any input.
Same problem here. One button on Hotas works but all assigned controls are dead. How do we get a controller to work with the assigned aircraft?
Same here, but I’m on XBOX, every axes of my Turtle Beach Velocityone is reversed, so if I want to go up, I need to push the lever up not down, flaps commands completely missing… Throttle completely reversed also… everything is fine on FS2020…
Same issue here with MS Sidewinder 2
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I am also having the same issue with the Logitech X3D PRO. Works fine in any other game and 2020, but here I have had to simply estimate the curves blindly because by default it was wanting to go from 0-100% rudder in less than a quarter of the sticks movement.
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Voted rhis up as having the same issues with my Honeycomb Alpha and TCA Airbus throttle.
Its also not reflecting sny button mapping changes that i make.
I had the same issue, however, when I went back to the main menu and relaunched another flight it worked. So, in my case it was binding the drone camera axis controls to my Xbox controller (on PC). I knew I had the ■■■■ thing programmed right, but in that session I was in - nothing would work. Spent an hour re-mapping and scratching my head. Decided to leave it mapped as I felt I had it all correct and when I relaunched a new flight everything worked. Same this morning. Granted - I did not read every reply here and maybe you’ve tried that, and it hasn’t worked. But I wanted to report it did work in my case. Also my VKB Stecs and Gladiator seem to be good this morning, as well. Hope that helps someone.
Exact same issue… I can map axes to controls but in-flight and when trying to map input curves nothing works… The fact this survived testing is astonishing.
Same for me man, the hardware listener does not show up any movement on the Axes, so I can’t tell which axis is which to set sensitivity curves
However in flight all controls work
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• the hardware listener does not show up any movement on the Axes, so I can’t tell which axis is which to set sensitivity curves
However in flight all controls work
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
Question for all.
Did you install the 2024 in the same location as 2020? Also, did you take part of the Tech alpha?
I never owned or installed 2020 and did not take part in Tech alpha.