Corrupted Profiles on Controllers

Yesterday I experienced a weird issue, I noticed even though I selected the correct profile for an aircraft, my Power Management levers didn’t work as expected. Some were missing or in the wrong position. I managed to fix this by using a backup of the XML code to replace the Context section of the code. However, later I found other aircraft that had missing control surface bindings for the controllers. In fact many of my aircraft were effected in some way. I ended up working through my backups to recover the functionality, which appears to have worked.

Has anyone else experienced this issue. The last thing I did in the sim was install and fly the Tomahawk (recently released by Just Flight). The plane flew very well and everything worked OK. The next day, I had no rudder bound to the plane for both Simple Single and Complex Single.

I took the best part of half a day recovering the functionality and hope to not have to repeat the exercise.

Regards, Paul.

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Hi Paul ,

I have had the identical issue after installing the JUSTFLIGHT Tomahawk. Everything was fine but now my rudder will not function correctly and other controller issues are appearing. I deleted my controller profile , and created a new one , and did the lengthy process of reassigning everything , but again the same problem. I have emailed JUSTFLIGHT support , waiting on a reply. I also relocated my entire community folder to be sure no problems there could interfere and then did a repair of my game from the store bought version of the sim’s launch page . I also reinstalled the version of the game and…
same problem. I absolutely love this sim but lately I spend more time fixing it than flying it.

Best regards Mark.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your feedback. In fact, the rudder issue is associated with the Tomahawk. You will find that once you start moving, the rudder actually works. Weird, I know but that’s how they have set the behavior of the aircraft.

Regards, Paul

Is this because the nose wheel steering and rudder linked IRL?

Don’t know. It wasn’t an issue in the REAL plane.

Hi Paul,

I have seen the videos regarding the realistic simulation of the Tomahawk’s rudder , and that you should not try to move the rudder before the plane is moving. It’s more than this . Even after the plane is in taxi and then flight, the rudder will not spring back to centre and is impossible to control. This problem is specific to the Tomahawk only. None of my other planes have this issue. I can use key commands for the rudder but my joystick will not return to centre. I have no viruses or Community folder issues.

Best regards Mark.

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