Cowan Simulation EC130 / H130

I told myself no more addons… but I couldn’t resist. I do like the EcoStar, but like others have said it is very loose / wobbly within hover and IGE. It feels more like the Tilt Rotor helicopters Cowan has done i.e. 206L, 206b3, R22.

I’m not sure if it’s like that to model the larger fuselage or what? But it’s more squirrelly than the squirrel/Astar. Like a spinning top, wobbling at low speed hovers. The inputs feel delayed and you really have to be ready to correct and react. Feels more like the JetRanger than an EcoStar. The RPM limiter is also very finicky about descents and doesn’t like a high Vertical Speed. I remember the A-Star being like this until it was tamed down in an update. Takes forever to descend when you’re limited to 500-1000fpm. It will descend faster but the RPMs start screaming quick.

And yes, it needs a good few clicks/whacks of aft trim and right lateral trim before pickup. I also remember all the Cowans needing a good whack of aft trim before hover. This one is especially worse, Cowan needs to bring the neutral trim position a bit more aft by default for us. But I have learned these addons usually need some aft trim before IGE hover.

So hopefully Cowan gives us an update soon. Looks great, flies straight when you’re trimmed out. Just needs a little finesse in the hovers.

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You could try this, by the legendary @BurstixTV :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: I don’t have this chopper (yet)

For me it doesn’t feel like it needs trimming, maybe the self forward flight is abit high, but other than that i am used to balance helis. (as the stick in a helicopter is loose you just hold the stick where you need it).

Hope they come with an update soon, the heli would be nice to fly, its just the performance hoog and the display going black for me.

I’m wondering if you have an addon conflict… maybe a an old working title project? I’d give your community folder a look through.

I don’t have the stuttering or loss of FPS your video shows. The G3X seems to be running ultra smooth for me, something I wasn’t expecting and am really surprised!

Can’t think of a conflict, i have the 500, 125, 206, 222 and now the 130 and only the 130 has this problem.
Even the Flyinside 206 runs smoother now, thats weird.

Might try uninstall and reinstall.

just uninstalled - closed the sim, reinstalled - closed the sim.

Same stutter…

Will try later without VR, it feels like the heli doesn’t like VR, even looking left/right gives the rendering lag.


Tested in 2D also, same behavior, scenery stutters, using the 500 all smooth, so it doesn’t matter VR or not.

Anyone here with GTN 750 installed?
for the other Cowan Helis i also downloaded the specific In-cockpit bezel - WTT Mode file, but i dont know if missing that for the 130 will do such a stuttery.


Ok guys, it really is a addon conflict!
renamed the community folder and the heli flew perfect, also the display is not black anymore, just the not working rudder in forward flight is annoying.
well, i have 1100 addons…

#update 2:

found the coolprit, from the GTN 750 addon the Cowan WTT addons conflict with the 130! So do not install these.

#Update 3:

Ok, i contacted the PMS50 Team yesterday and told them what problem i had.
They are quick and already released a WTT file for this particular Heli. They also said that it is a problem in the H130, they reference some files of the 125 in it.
Glad a fix was here fast.

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Sounds like you got it working? Hope it’s less of a StutterFest than your first video. :sweat_smile:

I took out both the EcoStar and A-Star in the North Sea. The 130 really doesn’t like any wind, I thought it would be stable. It lacks a lot of anti torque pedal authority in any wind over 5knots. (Granted I didn’t change my pedal sensitivities.) The 125 eats 10-15knots for breakfast easily. I hope this gets refined. I did some very primitive twitch streams, no VR, heavy mouse panning. :grimacing: Nice walk around, startups, flight, and some other fun stuff. I’m definitely not as confident or stable in the EcoStar yet!


OK, here is my first vid with the H130

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Now that’s what I’m talking about! Looks like a dream in VR. I am peanut butter and jealous of that setup! :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:

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Just tested flying this. Feels like flying a 2 bladed teetering rotor system chopper. Totally the opposite of being the “squirrel”.