when flying over Newcastle upon Tyne city at 1000ft screen goes black and says i have crashed into an object……getting really peeved at this update 5. mfs2020 was plodding along fine in development and then they put a hand grenade in update 5 for pc and serious flight simmers, I’m considering getting xplane, I’ve had enough of messing about with mfs2020, spending hours every day trawling internet trying to find solutions and implying them. come on asobo pull your finger out ya ■■■ and sort this out asap.
Just curious… were you by chance near a POI? The same thing happens when you approach Devil’s Tower: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/devils-tower-area-anomaly/428819
yes i was over st james park home of newcastle united…fed up now. this is bull squirt of a sim now
its like that with all aircraft too
I just had the same thing happen to me except I have crashes off so instead of a crash my plane got shot up to 10,000ft which is had crashes on would obviously cause a crash.
Was flying over St James Park reminiscing about time nearly signed for their academy and suddenly just got shot into air. Happens whenever get within about 50m of it. Do you have the new Orbx “Central Great Britain” pack that is basically the North of england and wales? Just as want to be sure it’s not the add on before submit a ticket and would be ideal not to have to uninstall just to check if you don’t have this add on as its really annoying even if not exactly game breaking
yes just got it about an hour ago, will try it now and let you know, but it happened every time with normal scenery
Thanks for letting me know. If happened with default scenery then it’s definitely not Orbx and it’s a sim problem. Another thing broken with SU5 hopefully if submit a ticket and given this post they should get on it
just tried it with orbx x northern Europe and it was the same, took crash settings off and was shot to about 10000 ft. sick of this sim now
Oh it was bound to be same with Orbx. I was only asking as it could have been that which was the cause but it’s clearly some messed up code
Yep me too - couldn’t see any apparent reason so when I go that way I stay LEGAL, i.e. above 2000ft
It’ll get sorted in due course.
Something similar happened to me today. I was cruising at FL500 with the F-22, started to descent at 12000fpm, and around FL420 I suddenly see water and then the screen goes black and tells me something about overstressing the plane (I have damage off, so huh?). Essentially I went from FL420 to sealevel instantly, for whatever reason. Happened near Alexandria/Egypt. No external scenery.
Started up at gate at EGPH, couldn’t taxi as if I was anchored to the ground. Restarted flight… This time I can taxi but I kept hitting invisble walls on the way to the runway that would tip the plane. Then a few minutes into the flight at 2000 ft I’m flying along and suddenly bang I’m on the ground and in a wall?
Wow that’s 3 separate bugs in 5 mins.
its also happening with drone camera with me