Crash to desktop without error message

:grin:SOLVED :grin:

No more crashes all day. TL;DR: Check USB voltage.

I changed two things, so I can’t say which one did it, but most likely, it was the second.

  1. On every startup, I had a 2.1mb Update. After a while I realized that this is probably the same stuck update over and over again. In the menu I went to “content”, found the one that said “update available” (in my case VL-3 or so), navigated to “C:\Users\ --USENAME-- \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\Steam” and deleted it. Then I just reinstalled that 130mb-package. (Nicer than reinstalling 100 GB).

  2. I saw some lights on my Saitek peripherals flickering, so I measured the voltage on my USB hub. Albeit being externally powered, USB power was down to 4.4 volts! After redistributing some plugs, all device had constant 5v. Turns out, at low voltage the devices randomly freeze, and MSFS can’t handle this.

So whichever it was, right now I am happy.

My flight of the day: Start in Innsbruck with an Extra 300 and visit Castle Neuschwanstein.

I think those who had problems were the ones who bought the copy through Microsoft Store
I think Steam has no problems

Nope. Had consent cashes in steam edition until I checked USB voltage. (see above)

did you have crashes in loading screen or just randomly during the game

Disable Bluetooth and check USB voltage (Don’t just trust your powered USB hub - they are garbage and can’t handle a full Saitek setup.). Momentarily lost connection to peripherals is a major culprit.

Not to dump on those having issues…but X52 pro Hotas, Phoebus 7.1 surround running 4K ultra on a Broadwell-E at 4.5 1080 Ti at 2050mhz. I have not had one single crash period. What I do have is the game installed on an entirely separate SSD, and the cache on the OS drive. Just about everyone I know using this config has less issues. I believe that the rolling cache in combination with game code streaming from the same drive is cause stability issues. All ultra settings @4K I maintain a min of 30 FPS.


Whoops…important caveat for those who might call BS on my FPS. That’s is 4K at 80% scaling. I cannot see visually the difference on a native 4K screen and the FPS boost is substantial.

After a bit of digging I think the crashes are the result of permissions / access issues. Probably the result of installing with elevated adminstrative privileges to try and get through the update process.

There’s the app crash some people have been posting on here

adjacent and just after that crash, you’ll find that Windows Error Reporting (WER) will have logged that it has successfully uploaded the crash details and an archive copy of the crash has been left in:

I couldn’t for the life of me update the permissions to grant access to the crash log itself, but i found an app called AppCrashView which allowed me to view the crash logs.

There are a lot of unhandled Access Violation exceptions happening and one buffer overrun. Probably two bugs here, but the most prominent one is the Access Violation.

I’ve found that I can get considerably more play time before a crash if I open the game with elevated administrative privileges.

I can consistently trigger a crash if i start the game without elevated privileges and start the take off class. The camera pans around the plain for a few seconds and then I see the GPU utilisation fall to zero, followed by the app closing.

Bluescreenview is a better utility.

Isn’t that for viewing Blue Screen of Death dump files? Flight simulator isn’t causing a BSOD, rather it’s creating an App Crash report - which is what AppCrashViewer is for.

Is this for the windows shop edition ? i dont see how something like that could work on steam

THANK YOU it worked for me !!!

Game was working fine yesterday, I was able to play all day with very few crashes.

Today, the game is unplayable. I made no configuration changes on my hardware. I have reverted all my OC settings and it still crashes when it’s loading into a flight even though it was JUST working a few hours ago. I looked at the event log and it says that d3d11.dll has crashed.

I am on an i7-6700k OC’d to 4.5GHz and a 1080Ti with 32GB ram. I have 0 problems running any other game. I even ran bench marking software to make sure my parts were not defected. It only crashes on this game and I don’t know how to fix it.

  • DDU to reinstall drivers
  • Updated to latest Nvidia drivers
  • Increased page file size
  • Updated all of Window’s store apps
  • Reverted GPU and CPU OC back to stock

Nothing worked.

I am currently reinstalling the game. I reformatted my PC and wiped both drives clean. Let’s see if this will fix the issue.

I am at a loss at how to do that?

Just reinstalled windows 10 2004, and installed it. Still CTD when loading the game. Until now, I have never entered the game successfully.

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Well I just discovered something interesting. I tried to fly from VHHH to LOWS in a 787 at least 8 times and I CTD every time. Just tried using the 748. NO CTD on the first try. Come to think of it, I think all my CTDs have occurred when using non Standard edition aircraft.

What aircraft are you using when you CTD?

Steam does have problems for me as I can’t even launch the installer downloaded. Even with running as admin.

Here is what my mini dump file contains if it can help. The crashing module is ucrtbase.dll but with conjunction of MicrosoftGeospatialTiles. Here find the exception text below:

ExceptionAddress: 00007ffdb46f284e (ucrtbase!abort+0x000000000000004e)
ExceptionCode: c0000409 (Security check failure or stack buffer overrun)
ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 1
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000007

PROCESS_NAME: FlightSimulator.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000409 - The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.


EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000007

00000006de3ff160 00007ffdb46f1f7f : 0000000000000003 0000000000000003 00000006de3ff380 00000000ffffffff : ucrtbase!abort+0x4e
00000006de3ff190 00007ffd5a576112 : 0000000000000000 00000006de3ff410 00000006de3ff2c0 0000013a88a5f2b0 : ucrtbase!terminate+0x1f
00000006de3ff1c0 0000000000000000 : 00000006de3ff410 00000006de3ff2c0 0000013a88a5f2b0 0000000000000000 : MicrosoftGeospatialTiles+0x16112

SYMBOL_NAME: ucrtbase!abort+4e
MODULE_NAME: ucrtbase
IMAGE_NAME: ucrtbase.dll
STACK_COMMAND: ~24s ; .ecxr ; kb
OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1
BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {745e4a31-46fe-e563-97e3-ca9fc8537331}
Followup: MachineOwner

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Ok, the strangest thing happend! Since I am quite stubborn I gave it a try again today. Did nothing special, only put my anti virus at game mode (as I always do) and started as Admin. It did run with a few flights in various environments in 2 hours without any CTD! The only thing that is a huge difference here is the environment temperature in the room where my PC is at (it wat quite hot in the Netherlands last weeks, and finally it is starting to cool down). I am not going to say that cooling might be a solution, it is just an observation. Like in the pic in a previous post you can see that only my GPU (RTX2080) is running at 100%, the rest of my system not even close to half of it’s capacity.

Edit: I also had some issues with Assetto Corsa Competizione, the Unreal engine was crashing a lot, but they made a fix for it. I do thing that software should have a safety for this and being depended at hardware with the exception of home made overclocking maybe, that is always at own risk.

Edit 2: I guess it was a lucky shot… just got a CTD twice after not even 10min of flight…

i had the same issue, and my fix was to downclock my gpu from 1721 to 1706 and then it worked. i have had the same issues with other games, maybe a nvidia problem? i have aorus gtx1080ti extreme

I tried under clocking my stock Asus 1080ti. Same crash, no effect.