In my experience, unless you can get the 737 working, the best $ return is probably the pc-24 or pc-12 with medium cargo. The best of those missions pushes $1.2m when you use simrate instead of skip. its $800k for a relatively short one. Is medium VIP up or is it still just the vision jet?
There is only one VIP mission that I saw, you’ll see it in Utah out of Herber City. Others have found a few others but I haven’t been able to find them.
I honestly would have thought that this would have been a fix for SU1 beta under career mission fixes. But nope, still an issue in beta mode or regular. Primarily it seems it’s affecting Xbox users over P.C. I have successfully flown 3 freelance missions with the Saab with no hiccups. But every time this crash happens it’s costing around 166k to repair it back just so it could happen again. Smh…
Same here… I had it in the C408, but after skipping once or twice straight to taxi, it started working consistently (might have been the update patch?)… but Saab is the same… destroys my landing gear and fails the mission everytime. The fact this game was released simply astonishes me. It is in such an unplayable state that it is a crime against gamers it was deployed.
Bring back the old Microsoft team and fire these arogant imposters before another franchise is destroyed by mismanagement!
I hope this doesn’t turn into KSP2.
How is this still feedback-logged but not bug-logged when the game was released in the middle of november last year. Its not even been looked at, let alone resolved.
I’ve the same problem. Mission failed because i left the gate without touch nothing. Any workaround?!
boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
No workaround other than to keep trying till it works while spending millions on repair. So either move to another airport or try your luck at the stand