Crashes back to Xbox Series X Desktop

I make sure I remove the game from my quick resume too, not had too many issues since I’ve done that.

Nop. I got in the habit of doing a quit game just before shut down of counsel. I tried leaving the ‘Quick Resume’ a few days ago - no joy. I also do a ‘Remove Cache’ almost daily. Still no joy. I have change setting to ‘end of flight at shut down’ today from on to off. I do my next 4 or so hour leg from Greenland to Canada – BGGH to CYBF. As a side note lots of weather, ice and wind… my kind of flying.
BTW I am on the western USA server. My guess is its one of the most crowed.


No responses whatsoever in my case

I get crashes atleast once a day. Just flew from Fort Lauderdale to White Plains. Just about to touch down in white plains and crash. Nothing more frustrating.


A. pull the a/c plug count to 50
B. reset network settings
C. delete all flight plans or any save FS2021 Game data
D. use …wired connection
E. change your refresh rate to 60hz in xbox settings console
G. Pull ac cord out again, then fire your console up

Deleting the save, isn’t that going to be restored from the cloud?

Are the saved flight plans a different file?

I would be careful with point “C”. my bush trips and flight schedules have not been restored. the rest already. You can also restore your own profile. I also got the tip in relation to peripheral devices. the bottom line was that nothing came of it!

How MS can call it “Game of the year” when it’s Scam of the year!
Got rid of my “minimum spec” PC and all my Logitech Flight systems and purchased an X Box series S as a dedicated system solely for FS2020.
Exactly the same problems with CTDs, freezing on final approach, losing 2 way ATC comms.
Sick of spending more time looking for solutions which don’t work than playing it.
Back to X-Plane again!

yes my game gets stuck every sec and crash every 20 minutes my god what a sim.

What a mess ?

I am convinced that addons are the major part of ctd’s on Xbox séries .

I have decided to clean msfs from alls airports and runways addons and it works quite good.

Made today Madrid bajaras LEMB to LFPG , all full options setted , live weather live traffic,
Run on a 32 " screen 1080p

No ctds but at lfpg some little lags . That’s all

New weather with update is quite nice , just Saw a smooth transition of weather approching middle south of france .

Clouds were bigger in Paris

Compared with a pc i am quite satisfyed of Xbox results. I was a Fs9 hard player on pc with a Big machine and i know to much the upgrade competitions it was to get more and more performances…
Xbox was for me the way cheaper to come back to msfs knowing that it could not be possible to have the same functions of a pc . I just regret not to have more realistics plane . I am very confident in msfs developpers to make our sim better .

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It should be called FS2020 Crash of the Year Edition!
There’s not a lot you can do on an Xbox series S, no graphics drivers to tweak it should work straight out of the box and it did until this last “update”
Followed all the advice and finally deleted and reinstalled and lo and behold exactly the same problem on final approach.
I wonder if I can get my money back under the Consumer Rights Act, “Goods must be as described,of reasonable quality and fit for purpose”
If you want to waste hours of your life buy CTD2020 Crash of the Year Edition!

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The sad reality is that it is a minority that suffer repeated CTD’s making the game unplayable, for many players we see occasional CTD’s and many are very happy with the game.

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I don’t believe it’s safe to say it’s the minority. There are a lot of people / posts supporting this. Also if a. tax is reproducible it will affect the majority.

For example if a DLC add on causes DLC which many do, it will occur for everyone.

Stating it’s a minority is quite dangerous, especially when so many are trying to get these issues seem by the main developers.

I for one love this game and have spent hundreds of £££ on DLC so I would want to ensure the majority of users that purchase DLC are looked after when reporting such issues

If I stick to the default aircraft and default airports I really have no issue with ctds with this game, it’s when you throw add on payware airport/ aircraft is when my issues start. I recently bought the Embraer EMB-110 and I’m really enjoying it on small regional flights but you can feel the Series X struggling with it ( I had my first full game freeze the last day while flying it) starting/ landing at add on airports there is a good chance of a ctd and some add ons such as Orbx London City it crashes immediately while the default A320 does not. I’m really looking forward to Aerosoft’s CRJ and PMDG 737’s etc coming to the Xbox but I really struggle to see how the Series X will handle these aircraft especially with other payware added in

I saw above / elsewhere that clearing / disabling / enlarging the 8Gb rolling cache could fix the CTD problem.

I cleared it (General settings->data-> scroll down ->clear ->save) and then outright disabled it (same place - 1 or 2 lines up).

The sim now runs well on approach (night landings into Miami, JFK and Calcutta). Very slight stutters and/or slowdowns, noticeable but no problems and no CTDs yet.

Flew by day from George Bush Intl in Texas to La Guardia (IFR low level, ILS, A320 neo) and had noticeable but tolerable slowdowns on approach, but it remained playable especially in the landing and taxi phase. The worst slowdowns happened if I looked out the side windows.

Interesting note - even though I had disabled rolling cache in a previous session I had to disable it again for this one

Caveat? I have unlimited 1 gigabit internet at the Xbox. If I had a slow connection, it might not work? I did not try a larger rolling cache and wont unless the problem returns

My rig - Series X, WD my book ext HDD, controller (for headset), USB 3.0 hub Logitech mouse, Red Dragon wired keyboard, Thrustmaster Hotas. Gigabit internet - everything wired. Live weather, AI / live traffic and multiplayer all on.

So here is what I think.
Since my last write-up, I’ve been using the game almost every day trying different settings. I do not own any add-ons but the free stuff. Mostly flying the Beechcraft baron, and the TBM 930 and a bit the Citation. I did not experience any CTD.
According to my observations, here are the things I did that helped reduce the stuttering which can get very annoying to the point where it ruins the experience.

  • Removing the traffic
  • Keeping ATC contacts at minimal
  • Keeping the flights less than 1 hour.
  • Exit the flight and reloading after each landing (if you’re doing cross country).
  • Doing game shutdowns once every couple of days.
  • Live Weather works well and does not affect the performance.
  • Avoiding IFR
    For me, doing this kept the game pretty smooth but the experience is not optimal.

Noted problems:

  • Using IFR with ATC resulted in bad stuttering, even with no traffic, after a 50 min flight (Citation).
  • Using ATC in conjunction with traffic results in stuttering after a while.
  • I get bad stuttering after longer flights (1h15+). Sometimes it’s acceptable though.
  • The mouse bugs about 1 out of 5 flights, it stops working, when starting a flight and I have to restart the game (EXTREMELY annoying).

My feeling is that both the ATC and the traffic are playing a role in the stuttering problem.
Hopefully they fix this soon.

Keep on Flying!

Strange do all the things you mention, hardly ever get CTD. Just on the mouse if you jump out of MSFS into another game and back to MSFS I find mouse works again.

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I’m a relative noob here, on X-Box X, 3 weeks in, and today had my first CTD.

I’m running the standard install from the DVD, downloaded all updates and the free world packs, no add-ons. I have been doing the lessons and practice in the Cessna 152, not even changed plane yet.

The setup consists of a Velocity Flight 1 yoke & quadrant, Thrustmaster HOTAS & pedals, wired mouse, wired keyboard, x-box game controller.

I have each control on a custom profile so no device is fighting for the same input, the game controller only does the drone cam, the HOTAS only uses the pedals and so on, no duplicated inputs.

All of my flights have been <1hr so far. Yesterday I took off from an airport north of Miami, flew along the coast and wanted to land at Miami International, used ATC, lined up nicely, got within sight of the end of the runway and CTD

All my data settings are default/as new.

TBH, i’m a little disappointed to see that CTD is a thing on a fixed hardware platform, it should be extremely stable, more so than a PC. Along with the sensitivity savings issue its taken the edge off what had been a very good experience to date. I could live with the sensitivity issue as the savings are held using quick-resume just not on a full restart but I thought the days of CTD were passed.

I’ll try the same flight again today just to see if its an airport thing. Previously the only stutter I had was flying at 100’ up thames through London. There was a stutter just before the CTD. Total up-time yesterday was about 2-1/2 hours with maybe 7 take-offs/landings.

The ONLY big difference I made yesterday was to try using active pause so I could get some drone-cam shots - I had not used active pause before this, maybe that is a pointer??

On a fixed hardware platform, software should be at its most reliable, hopefully it will be soon.

The issue with this sim is there are a myriad of variables that just don’t seem to exist in other “games” on Xbox or, most likely, even PC.

Fortunately, for us Xbox users, we can eliminate the hardware, drivers, and operating system from our troubleshooting list — of course, assuming all systems are working as intended.

That said, there are a few things to check out and/or understand.

Server performance seems to have a big impact on the sim. This makes quite a bit of sense given how much we are streaming and taking in “live”. We, obviously, have no control over this and sometimes it will bite us. It can cause CTDs, if other threads are to be believed.

The Rolling Cache is a hot topic here on the forum. No one really seems to know precisely what it data it is caching, but the general consensus is that data in that cache can cause CTDs. Either it is getting corrupted, or is outdated and in conflict of incoming data or is just a big mystery. You can go to Options—>Data and delete the cache. It is encouraged that you do so, especially after World Updates and Sim Updates. Maybe it’s worth doing on a semi-regular basis.

There is also the topic of whether or not to even have it on. I’m in the middle of another conversation on another Xbox thread about this right now. I’d been having pretty bad FPS drops on approach and on the ground in the Los Angeles basin. Yesterday, I uninstalled all the World Updates bar USA. Another thread noted that most of the World Updates were causing these FPS drops. I also turned off the cache. I flew in the same location in LA, yesterday and had no FPS drops and I’m pretty sure I didn’t get stutters. I got jolts from weather transitions that could have been stutters, but I’m fairly confident they were due to the weather.

None of this, of course, addresses your point that it’s disappointing. It certainly is. I’ve tried so very hard to compartmentalize my emotions here on the forum. I am totally frustrated by the rate at which things are fixed or addressed. I’ve now lived through a few Sim Updates to see that breaking new things or re-breaking fixed things seems to be par for the course.

I wouldn’t let a CTD ruin your take on the sim. It is a incredible feat of software engineering and Computer Science isn’t exact, I’ve only had a couple CTDs on Xbox since I joined the sim in September. I’d call that a really decent run. I have definitely experienced other “games” on Xbox CTD and more than once. I won’t name names.

Stay positive! Keep flying, it’s just such a joy when it all works smoothly and does so pretty often in spite of the issues.

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Yeah its not really blunted my fun, I think the worst part is that being so new to it, actually getting lined up for a good landing in a place like Miami Intnl and having all my ducks in a row for once, to then have a crash at the vital point was like a kick in the 'nads. :slight_smile:

I did try the same flight again today, this time it worked perfectly, not only did I land but even taxi’d to parking. Sadly the log-book bugs prevented a complete record of it :frowning: but thats another thread.

Two differences between today and when it CDT’d - I did not use active pause and did not touch the drone cam.

I might try turning off rolling cache, from what i have read it loads an area around your location but if you dont spend all day going round and round in that area, does it really help??

It is still a fantastic sim though.

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